~Lucas Hemmings~

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Diana's body is tiny against mine as she rests, lips swollen from mine. Her hands trace my stomach, soft.

"I love you," I repeat, loving the way the words sound when spoken aloud. Her lips curve into a smile, free hand touching the light purple love bite I had left on her. I don't know what came over me, I just needed her and I couldn't get enough. I needed her, every part of her. I needed her touch, the feel of her skin, her rose and rain smell, anything, everything. I don't need sex. I just need her here, to know she's real and she's safe, and to know she's mine.

"I love you," She whispers quietly, smiling to herself. My heart flutters in my chest as she mumbles the words. 

"God it's good to hear you say that..." I whisper against her ear, tracing up and down her spine. 

She nuzzles her face into my neck lightly and places ghost kisses there, fingers still tracing the lines of my abs. "Don't go... can we stay here forever? Please? Don't ever make me leave..."

"Never," I promise, holding her closer to me and kissing her head gently. "I won't ever make you leave. Never. Never, ever, ever. I swear,  my love. I love you so much..."

She relaxes in my arms, smiling against my skin.

"Now, baby...." I sigh, "about the cutting.... we need to talk about it. You know we do..."

She clings to me a little more, pulling her body into mine in desperation. "No..."

"Yes we do...please, my love? We need to talk about this. We really, really do. Please baby. Talk to me. Tell me how I need to fix this. Please? I need you better, I need you safe. Baby please." I tilt her face up to mine and mold my lips against hers. "Come on baby... please. I need you to talk to me. Please?"

She kisses back, clearly scared. "Luke please..."

"I need to fix this. I need you safe, and I can't always hold you in my arms. I need you to eat on your own, I need you to be safe and okay with your body, not wanting to run a blade through your beautiful skin. Now I need you to talk to me. What can I do to stop this?"

"I don't know... Luke I don't know... I don't.. Please don't leave me..."

I stare at her terrified face. "I won't ever leave you. You are my little one, my love. Okay? I won't leave you." I kiss her. "Not now, not ever."

She nods and curls up to me.

"Don't you ever think that I will leave you. If you need me, just come to me, okay? I won't ever turn you away. Even if I'm on stage, just walk over to me and I'll hold you through it all. I'll make this okay again."

She nods and buries her face deep into my chest. "Okay Lukey... Okay..." 

"Get some rest my dear..." I press a kiss into her forehead.

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