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Luke smiles at me from his spot on stage, then turns back to the cheering crowd. He could have any one of those girls, why did he chose me? I'm broken, my hair is messy, I'm a little chubby, I'm an awkward height, I'm lazy... 

I wince when a stagehand bumps into me, a girl who's normally at all the concerts helping. The manager's assistant, I think she told me the first week.

"Stupid slut, move out of my way."

I cringe. "Sorry. I didn't see you."

"I don't know why Luke chose a disgusting pig like you to hold," She snarls in my face. My fingers twitch, looking for a release from the sting. "You belong at the nuthouse or whore-house, with the rest of the scum like yourself."

My stomach curls, the back of my throat already clenching, ready for me to force up my lunch. My fingers twitch, wanting to pull a razor from my wallet, which isn't there anymore. "Stop...please... I didn't do anything to you..."

"You stole Luke. What'd you do, drop to your knees and suck his cock? Bribe him with sex to date you, at least in the public eye? Did he take pity when he saw your scars?" She glares. "Huh? Tell me how you did it. How many times do you fuck him a day to keep him around? You must have one hell of a mouth."

I cringe, tearing up. "N-no! I'm not bribing him!"

"Blackmail? Did he drunkenly fuck you one night so you keep him around with threats of claiming rape?"

Tears spill over my cheeks, my eyes darting to my boyfriend singing on stage. I watch him glance my way, then freeze, voice pitching lower than he meant for it to.

No... He's going to walk off stage and cause a scene...

"Come on, tell me. Did you blow him? Or are you the band's little whore? Do you sit under Ash's drums while he place and just suck? Or sneak Michael behind closed doors and give anal? What about Cal? Ride him in any bathrooms lately?"

My stomach heaves, and I see it on Luke's face, and hear him miss a lyric. Without a second thought, I run to him and bury my face in his chest, letting the tears come without sobs, not letting myself be heard. The crowd goes silent as Luke swings his guitar behind his back and catches me, burying his face in my neck and shoving the mic away. The other guys slowly stop playing, and soon the whole stadium is silent.

Great you caused a scene. Stupid girl.

Luke's hands cradle my back, holding me close to him. "What happened my love? Who hurt you?"

I let myself cry in his chest, keeping it silent. "EveryonethinksI'myourwhorethatIscrewtheentirebandandtheyjustwantmegonebecauseI'mablackmailingslut!"

He blinks. "My love, you must slow down. I can't understand a word you just said. Slowly now," He whispers into my hair. "What happened? Breathe your words, little one."

"Everyone thinks I'm your whore, that I'm screwing the entire band and blackmailing you and using you and slutting myself off and they want me gone because I'm a blackmailing whore!" The sobs escape.

He frowns and pulls back, tilting my face up. "Nobody thinks that!" he grabs the mic. "This is my girlfriend Diana. Who here thinks that she's blackmailing me? Any of us?" He asks lightly, and silence meets him. "Who thinks she's a slut, that she's fucking me and the lads?"

Again, silence. 

Ash speaks. "Who the hell told you that's what everyone's thinking? Who put that in your head, Diana?"

I sniffle and look at the ground, hugging myself.

"No no, Diana you're one of the nicest people I've ever met, and one of the most innocent," Michael says, "You're no whore."

"Stop letting everyone put you down," Cal says nicely, "You're not a slut, and you're not blackmailing us. We know this. You know this. Now stop letting them define all of us."

I look at each of them in turn, and when my eyes meet Luke's deep blue ones, he crashes his lips onto mine and pulls me against his body by my hips. When I go to pull away, embarrassed by the public display, he leans over me and keeps our lips molded together until I melt and forget about the now-cheering crowd. When his teeth close on my lip, a soft moan escapes me.

"Don't you ever let anyone hurt you. They mean nothing," He whispers, pulling back. Louder, he states, "And because everyone in this stadium loves you so much, especially the lads and myself, you are gonna stay right here my love. My girl is a singer." He winks at me. "Though quiet."

"Oh Lucas don't make me do this!" I go to get off stage and his strong hand locks around my wrist. "Oh no you don't." He pulls me back to his chest and wraps his arms around my waist, causing more cheers and whistles from the crowd. Behind us, Ashton gives a loud whooping whistle. "Pick a song, my love."

"Uh... Uhm..." I struggle to think.

"How about She Looks So Perfect?" Calum says, winking at me. "Ya know Luke would loooove that."

Luke smacks his arm. "We've already declared she's a virgin Hood! Knock it off!" He glares, yet a light blush rises to his cheeks. Does he fantasize about me? Like.... sexually? "But that song's fun enough."

They start playing, Luke shifting me in a way that I'm stuck close to him and yet he can play his guitar. I hug his arm and watch his hands move on the strings, humming along to the tune. 

Could this last forever? What... what if I gave Luke my body as well as my heart? Would it still last? Does he love me, or is that girl right? Am I just a pity date that he's gonna ditch in a few more weeks or months because I'm too much to keep up with?

I don't realize I had been caught up in the thoughts until Luke chuckles and nudges me. "Baby, I asked what you wanted to request?"

I blink back my surprise. "Uh.. Um... Jet Black Heart," I choke quietly. 

He smirks and pecks my lips. "Anything you want, my love."

And they play, Luke keeping me close to his side protectively, lovingly.

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