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(e/c) - Eye color

Humans have always feared the unknown. For if they do not know, they cannot control. They believe that they live in a safe world, that they are protected by the wooden walls and cotton blankets that surround them. That they are protected from the unknown. Many of them do not realize that horror waits just outside on their front doorstep, breathing quietly and peering into their windows. Horror waits to greet them, and it will welcome them with open arms.

Everyone has heard of the Boogeyman, it is a common myth that parents would tell their children to keep them from misbehaving. Very few believe in the creature, but the handful that do know better than to try and mess with it. It is an evil and vile creature, wanting nothing more than to feast on its victims fear and flesh, to hear their screams of pain as they squirm beneath its massive and blood-soaked claws. This creature is not one to be trifled with.

The night air was chilly, and it sent shivers down the spines of the few that were out at this time. The full moon was high in the sky, and the humans were inside, all thinking they were safe from monsters that roam the night. It was a quiet night, one that was not broken by the constant beeping of cars or the whines of a small child that refused to go to bed. The street lights illuminated the sidewalks and the street, but a few shadows flitted about, curling around and dancing as some of the lights flickered.

A figure slithered from shadow to shadow, its whip like tail flicking back and forth as it observed a small white house. It was a two-story abode, with a small front porch and garden in front of it. Overall, it was a very basic and common house. One of the many that lined the street. But what made this house special, was that it had a little girl that lived in it. And it was not just any little girl, it was a little girl that misbehaves. A little girl that didn't listen to her parent's warnings.

(e/c), glittering eyes observed the small home. The spines on the creature's back perked up at the thought of a meal, and it slipped into the house through the shadows. Darkness swirled around it, mixing in with the shadows that were already present and darting out into the light before coming back to the creature. It stood up on its hind legs and took in the surroundings it was in. The spined being clucked its tongue in anticipation of the upcoming meal of fear. It lived for fear.

The kitchen was rather small, with a fridge and the usual appliances. The creature moved on from the kitchen and towards the stairs, making no noise at all as it slipped up them. The hallway before it was dark, and a few doors lined it. One door was a light pink, presumably a child's door. This was the one it wanted. The midnight black creature slipped underneath the door and found it was indeed in a child's room, a little girl's room, judging from the décor.

The walls were a dark pink and had various flowers and posters taped on them. Toys and dolls littered the floor like Legos, but the creature paid them no mind as it stalked towards the bed in the corner of the room. A little girl, around maybe 5 or 6, lay peacefully in the bed. Her breaths were even and quiet as she slept, unaware of the walking nightmare standing over her. A few minutes passed before she roused in her sleep, and sat up rubbing her tiny and crusted eyes. A yawn escaped her lips as she glanced around her room. Nothing was there, so why had she woken up?

She had a feeling in her stomach, a feeling that something bad was about to happen. A feeling that told her to look under the bed. Her heart started to pound just a little faster, the common fear of the unknown surfacing in her tiny body. She grabbed a nearby plushie, and carefully shifted so her legs were now dangling off the edge of her bed. She landed on the carpeted floor with a dull thump.

A clawed hand shot out of the darkness beneath her bed, and wrapped itself around her ankles and began to tug. She hit the ground and a scream tore out of her small throat. The creature underneath the bed grinned widely in response, and tugged harder and faster against her struggling body that was now halfway underneath the bed. She clawed at the carpet, her plush toy still wrapped tightly in one hand. Tears began to stream down her face as she continued to scream and wail her heart out, begging and asking for her mother.

It felt as if an eternity had passed before she was fully beneath the bed and at the creature's mercy. It tore into her stomach and relished the screams and blood and gore. But it was the fear that radiating off of the child in waves that really sent it into a frenzy. It needed more fear, more horror. It slung her organs out, and before it knew what happened, her screams had stopped and so had her heart. The girl's eyes stared blankly up at the bottom of her bed, her little plush still in her clutches.

The creature shifted out from underneath the bed and into a shadow in the corner of the room. The room appeared to be normal, as if there was no murder and the girl was still sleeping in bed. None of the gore or blood leaked from underneath the bed due to the sheets that hung down to the floor. No one would know a thing until they looked underneath the bed, where all the monsters of the night hung out.

Nightmares (Creepypasta x Boogeyman!Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin