Chapter 2

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            The male's blood ran cold when he saw the mansion. He's recognize the old building anywhere, after all, he lived in it. It was old looking and appeared to be falling apart, however he knew it would hold together as it always had throughout the years.

   He whipped around but the creature was nowhere to be found. He turned back and there it was, slipping into the mansion through the shadows. A colorful array of curses left his mouth and he sprinted to the door, flinging it open with enough force for the following BANG to echo throughout the house. The tail of the creature disappeared around a corner, and he was quick to follow.

   The black haired male burst into the game room, where a link look alike, a little girl, and a dog were. The elf was playing a video game, mashing the buttons rather loudly while the child had a tea party with her teddy bear and a few other stuffed animals. The dog was on the couch, laying down until he heard the male enter the room. All three of them turned to stare at the male who had made a rather loud entrance, but he was glaring at a dark corner of the room and not paying any mind to them.

 The elf rose an eyebrow, "What go your panties in a twist?" Blue eyes briefly flicked to them before going back to the corner. He snarled, "Don't you see it?!" Both eyebrows on the elf rose, and he looked to the same corner. "Uh, nothing is-" He was cut off by the dog's vicious growls. He too was staring at the corner. The dog was barking and snarling, the sounds raising in volume and as his ears folded back. The door next to the corner opened, and in stepped a tall and faceless being in a suit. He rubbed his temples before speaking, his voice ringing in the heads of all present.

"Children, what is all the ruckus?"

   An ideal lit up in the carved killer's head. If anyone could see the creature, it would be the tall being. "There's something in the corner! It interrupted my killing and carried me here!" The faceless being sighed again and turned to the corner. One could almost see the grimace on his white head. It was silent for a few minutes as the faceless creature studied the darkened corner. The dog had stopped barking, though a low and quiet growl rumbled from his throat every so often.

   The silence was interrupted when the suited being sighed again and said to the empty corner, "What are you doing here?" A dark laugh echoed around the room, bouncing off the walls and sending shivers down their spines. A creature cloaked in shadows stepped out of the 'empty' corner. Spines ran down its back and they shifted when it moved. A long and thin tail swung back and forth, and its clawed hands clicked on the floor as it moved into the light. The muzzle of the creature lifted into a grin and its (e/c) eyes glinted with amusement.

"Just greeting an old friend... It's been a while, yes?"

   The haunted voice was rough, and it scratched at their ears like cat claws. From the other side of the room the little girl whimpered in fear. At the sound the creature turned towards her and its grin widened, but it drew its attention back to the suited being next to it. For the umpteenth time that day the tall being found himself sighing. "We saw each other just the other day." Over in the doorway the black haired killer made a noise of disbelief. "You know this thing?!"

"This 'thing' is as powerful, or even more powerful, as me. I suggest not getting on (his/her) bad side, (he/she) knows all of our fears and can take their form or send us into a nightmare with them."

"But what is it?!"

   The (e/c) eyed creature was sitting on its haunches and watching the exchange with amusement. Its whip like tail was swaying back and forth, and shadows slithered around it. The spines on its back were shifting with glee. The elf on the couch was watching it wearily while listening to the conversation, and the little girl was hugging her teddy bear. The dog had stopped growling, and was now staring at the creature in curiosity. Yet again the being sighed, rubbing his temples at the thought of an upcoming headache.

"Children, meet the Boogeyman."

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