Chapter 3

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(A/N: Updates might be a little slow for the next week or two. I got finals coming up and I'll be studying for those. I also don't know if I'll update over Christmas Break, because well, it's Christmas Break. I'm gonna be spending that time with family and it's a break... Anyways, here's the next chapter. I'm gonna post the next one tomorrow, hopefully. That's the plan at least!)


(y/n) – Your name

(f/t) – Favorite tea

"The Boogeyman? You mean that old Urban Legend or whatever it was?"

"Yes. Parents would tell their children to behave, and if they didn't the Boogeyman would come and take them away."

   The black haired killer turned his icy blue eyes to the creature, now known as The Boogeyman, and studied it. It stared back, and the horrific grin on its face widened. The little girl, still clutching her teddy bear, came over and tugged on the pant leg of the slender being. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. "The Boogeyman isn't gonna take me away, is (he/she)?"

   The creature opened its mouth to speak, revealing razor sharp teeth that glistened in the artificial light. A bark of laughter came from it. "No, Sweetie, I've been told to not hurt anyone under Slender's care. We're the best of friends~." It purred the last part, the words coming out in a sickly sweet tone. The little girl looked up for reassurance, and was relieved when she received a nod in response. With newly found courage, she stepped towards the creature with her hand outstretched. It bent down till it was eye level with her when she neared. The tension in the room rose, with the elf and the blue eyed killer worrying for the girl's safety. They were tense, ready to leap into action should anything bad happen.

   The little girl hesitated for but a second, before tentatively reaching out and placing her hand on its muzzle. The vine like tail on the creature started to swing a little faster when she began to pet its snout. A collective sigh of relief was released when The Boogeyman did nothing but act like a little puppy. It was actually quite cute, really. The door the tall being came from opened, and in stepped another figure. Brown hair poked out beneath a navy blue mask and eyeless sockets stared at them in surprise.

   The creature, if it was possible, seemed to 'light' up when the new person entered the room. Its grin widened as it sat up and strode to the newcomer. They stared at each other for a moment before the masked person sighed. "(y/n), what are you doing here?"

   The creature gave a close eyed grin. "Just visiting a friend~. It feels like it's been forever since we last saw each other, Jack~!" The tall being stepped forward, and one could almost see the annoyance radiating off of him. "And how do you two know each other?"

"Hah, funny story, actually~!"


   A steaming cup of (f/t) tea sat on the small coffee table that was in front of the Boogeyman and the masked man. The creature was eyeing it with interest, but their attention was drawn to the figure in front of them when the tall being cleared his throat.

"Tell me the full story. How do you two know each other?"

   The creature grinned. "Well, you know how sometimes I take the organs of my 'friends'? I saw Jack over here taking some from someone around midnight and eat it. And since I had all those extra organs that I never do anything with, I approached him and gave them to him! He wasn't very trusting at first, but now we're BFF's~."

   Que the sigh from the person next to the creature. The being in front of them pinched the area where his nose would've been if he had one. "And, pray to tell, why haven't you told me?"

"It slipped my mind~."

The being let loose a sigh. "Since word has surely spread about your arrival, you'll have to meet everyone in this household. And since the two of you are 'BFF's'," An emphasis was put on BFF, "I'm going to let Jack introduce you to everyone." The creature grinned and practically bounced in its seat. It took the cup of tea, drank it in one swoop, and disappeared.

"Good luck."

Jack sighed.

Nightmares (Creepypasta x Boogeyman!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن