Chapter 5 (MALE VERSION)

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(A/N: ...I said I wasn't going to update but I got bored so like, you know, I decided to type up the next chapter. Merry early Christmas I guess? Also, if you guys want to know what happened at the Doctor's and what I might or might not have, read the note at the bottom of this chapter!)

   The thing out in the darkness shifted, and it revealed glowing yellow eyes that sparked with amusement when it saw the audience it had. And just as quickly as it came, it was gone, leaving behind no evidence of it having been there. As soon as it disappeared from sight, the Boogeyman quit growling and relaxed from its hostile stance. Slender, having heard the commotion, stepped into the room. (e/c) eyes smoldered with anger and hostility, and Slender knew immediately what was wrong. If he could frown, he would.

"Was it...?"

   He didn't have to finish the sentence for the creature to know, and it nodded in response. Slender grimaced. This was not good. (y/n) froze again, and the angry inferno blazing in (her/his) eyes increased by tenfold. (He/she) disappeared into the shadows, just as the creature outside had. The pastas turned to the slender being with questioning eyes, wondering just what the hell was going on.

"Gather everyone."

   It took less than ten minutes to round everyone up, and they were all sitting in the living room where the Creature had been just not too long ago. Slender pulled everyone as close to himself as they could go, and they shifted. Instead of being in the living room, they were now in front of a cave, though they could sense that they were still in the forest that was their home. From inside the cave came shrieks and growls, along with the sound of something wet hitting the floor and anything else within range.

   Slender and Jack hurried inside, Jack out of worry for his friend and Slender for the same reason, even though he'd never admit it. The others hesitated outside, but when the cannibal growled at them, they rushed inside as well. The entrance to the cave was fairly small, and Slender had to duck to get in, but when they got past the entryway, it was huge. The cave could easily house the entire mansion, maybe even twice, and multiple trees, small ponds, and plants were scattered around in it. If they weren't in such a hurry, they might've stopped to admire the beauty of the place.

   Moonlight filtered through a small crack from the roof, lighting up the cave with an eerie glow. The sounds of the fight was coming from somewhere in the middle of the cavern, and they had to sprint to get there in time. The battle seemed to be dying out, as the noises made from the creature and whatever it was fighting had stopped. Jack burst into the clearing, the rest of the household panting behind him with the exception of Slender. The clearing had a small pond in it, with a large boulder in the middle of said pond. A beam of moonlight from the crack hit the rock straight on. Next to the pond and near the killers, was the Creature.

   It was stalking back and forth in anger, and an unknown black substance was dripping down its sides. The inky liquid was also mixed with a golden liquid, creating a color that clashed greatly with the green of the grass. It heard the killers and turned to meet them, and what they saw was a surprise. Multiple slash marks crisscrossed its face and fanned down to its neck, and it looked like someone had thrown a bucket of golden paint onto the left side of its head. The (e/c) eyes were still burning with anger, though it had died down just a bit.

   A hiss escaped it as they neared, "It knows, Slender. We need another spell." Said being stiffened, before sighing. "Very well. You know what to do." Shadows started to pool around the Creature's feet, becoming what looked like a puddle of darkness. They swirled upwards and coated the monster till it could no longer be seen. The limited light they had flickered briefly, as if someone had quickly flipped a light switch from on to off to on again.

   The shadows swirled once more before dispersing, and instead of the creature standing there, there was a male. Black bangs hung down from his scorched hair, covering only a little bit of his right eye. His skin was a pale grey, bordering white, and it seemed to glow. The male was wearing a tattered black wife beater that was covered in claw marks, some of the larger ones showing large scars beneath them. On his legs he had black and tattered shorts, and he had no shoes. Various cuts and scars littered his body, some crisscrossing over the bridge of his nose and others swirling around his legs like a spiral staircase. His (e/c) eyes stared at them in disdain as his lips pulled into a taut line. It didn't take a genius to figure out he did not like being in this form.

   The male crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his weight onto his left foot, obviously waiting for something to happen. BEN's eyebrows furrowed, "Where the hell did it go? And who the hell are you?" He received a snort, "Are you really that dense? I am The Boogeyman. Every creature has a humanoid form, and this is mine. I hate changing into it though, it requires a lot of energy to maintain and become, hence why the moonlight seemed to flicker off for a second." (Y/n) turned his head towards Slender in a bored manner, "Can we get this over with? This form is too clunky for my liking."

"I assume you already have the things needed?"

   (Y/n) seemed to pull a leather-bound burnt book out of thin air, and flipped it open to a seemingly random page. He skimmed through it quickly before looking back to Slender, "I almost got all the ingredients. The only thing we really need is a willing participant." Slender muttered something inaudible to the group, though (y/n) seemed to hear it as his eyes lit up with amusement. "Pray to tell, where are we going to find a willing participant?"

"The internet is full of stupid people, I'm sure we can find someone who will unknowingly and willingly give us their soul."

(A/N: Right, so in case some of you were wondering what happened at my appointment today, here's what happened. They don't really know what's wrong, though they have a few ideas. So they gave me some medication and if the symptoms go away after a week or two, I'm good and fine. If they persist even with the medication, then something is obviously wrong and I'll need to go back in for some more tests and what not. Lovely, right?)

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