Chapter 4

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(A/N: This is the last update till New Years~ I'm gonna be spending Christmas with the family, so I hope you all understand. Hope you enjoy this chapter!)

   When Jack stepped into the kitchen, he was not expecting to see what he was currently staring at. The creature, Jack's 'BFF' as they put it, was helping a certain Proxy make waffles. While singing at the top of their lungs. Wait, singing? It was more like yelling. Or a dying horse... Either one worked. Jack rose an eyebrow at the two. The creature was sitting on the counter with a bowl and spoon, and it appeared to be stirring the waffle mix. The Proxy, or Toby as he was known as, was making the waffles in the waffle maker. Jack was surprised the kitchen wasn't on fire yet. Keyword: Yet.

   The creature grinned when it saw Jack standing in the doorway. Jack spoke, "I see you've already met Toby..."

"Hell yeah I have~!"




"Oh yeah! That reminds me! Toby, my name is (y/n)~!"

Toby grinned as well, "Hi (y/n)! I'm Toby!"

"Come on, we gotta go meet the rest of the household."

   (y/n) hopped off the counter and followed after Jack on all fours. They went down a few hallways before they came upon a living room. There were multiple couches and a few arm chairs. On the wall was a fancy TV. There were a few people sitting on the couches, either watching TV or doing something to their liking. A black haired female turned to face them when they came in. A crazy grin lit up her face and she stood up, walking over to the duo.

   "So you're the one who kidnapped Jeff and brought him here," Her black eyes shined with mischief. "I'm Jane." The creature's grin matched her own. "You should've seen him! He was wriggling around like a worm on a side walk!" She snickered, "And he's just as slimy~!" The two shared a laugh while Jack watched in amusement. Their laughter was interrupted when the killer they were talking about walked into the room. He shoved past Jane roughly, pushing her shoulder away and grumbling something under his breath. (y/n) snickered, "Well I gotta go~. Got places to be and people to meet~." Jack and (y/n) left the room and proceeded to meet the rest of the household.

   And finally, they came upon the last room. The dining room. And this was where they found the last member of the household. He looked up from cleaning his revolver when they entered, and eyed the creature standing next to Jack suspiciously. If it saw his suspicious look, it didn't show it as it just continued to grin at him. "Dimitri, this is (y/n). (He/She)'s the Boogeyman and a close friend of Slender's, so don't shoot him." The black haired man studied the creature for a moment, taking in its size and the way it carried itself. He grunted instead of replying, and went back to cleaning his gun. He tapped his foot on the ground with a continuous rhythm. Jack shrugged, "That's Dimitri. He isn't one for talking when he doesn't know a person, but he's a pretty easy going person when you get to know him. Though, he usually doesn't stay in the mansion for too long, he only really comes in to get more ammo and check in with Slender."

   (y/n) noded to Jack's words, and cast one last glance at the blue and green eyed man before leaving the room with (his/her) friend. "This place sure has a lot of people~ I like them all~!" Jack snorted. "Mhm." They found themselves back in the living room with Jane and Jeff, and when they entered Jane smiled. "I don't believe I ever caught your name..."

"It's (y/n)~"

"Very (handsome/pretty)."

"Thank you~!"

   Jack plopped onto the couch next to Jane and (y/n) sat down on the floor beside them, (his/her) eyes trained on the TV. The show that was playing was something that (y/n) had never seen, not that they watched a lot of television, but still. It looked to be about a mass murderer going around and, well, killing people, and a detective participating in the endless chase and taking on the hard task of catching the killer. It was like a 'Good vs Evil' sort of thing, and as almost always, the Good won when the Killer was caught and sentenced to death by injection. It was rather dark, really. Not that (y/n) minded, (he/she) was practically made of darkness and fed off of nightmares. That reminded (him/her), they needed to go feed sometime soon.

   The creature froze next to Jack, causing the cannibal to look over at it in concern. It slowly turned its head to the one of the windows that was in the living room and was staring out of it. A frown tugged at its muzzle. Now, Jack knew that whenever (y/n) frowned or did anything that wasn't laughing/smiling, something was definitely wrong. Grinning was really the only expression (he/she) ever had. Suddenly they bolted up from their position on the floor, and sprinted over to the window. Their breath caused a white fog to expand on the glass. The actions of the creature drew the attention of the other killers, who were now watching it with curious eyes. Though there was a pair that were glaring at it.

   "What's got your attention, darling?" Jane drawled, coming over behind the creature and peering outside. Its eyes were focused on a particular part of the forest line, though there was nothing to see. Jack stood up as well and came over, also looking out of the window. The (e/c) eyed creature hissed, the noise sounding harsh and grating. "It's here..."

Out in the darkness, something moved.

(A/N: Hopefully some of you are reading this... I give you a cookie if you are. Anyways, I need some help! I've been doing some research on folktales and myths as I need something/someone to fill the role of the enemy in this story. I have yet to find one to my liking, or one that will fit what I have in mind for this story. So if any of you know of a myth or folktale with a creature or something in it, post it in the comments below. It doesn't really matter if the creature is good or good as it makes my job easier. As for this chapter, there's some foreshadowing in it~! And Dimitri is kind of a 'come and go' person in this story, not really staying at the mansion more than needed. I hope I wrote him correctly! He's a lovely character who belongs to InnocentBystander97 on DeviantArt!)

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