Chapter 1 First day of school (meeting the guys)

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Then next day the girls woke up. They got dressed for school and did each other's hair. They went downstairs and saw that their mom had missed the coach coming home last night from drinking. They didn't want to put up with her before school so they tip toed past her into the kitchen to get some breakfast. After they got their breakfast they tip toed toward the door and grabbed their bags. They headed out the door. They walked to school. Once they got to school they walked to the principal's office. They knocked three times then someone said 'come in'. They opened the door and walked in. They sat down in the chairs in front of the desk.
"So you are the new students here." The principal asked.
"Y..y...Yes ma'am." Flora said her shyness getting to her. The principal smiled.
"Well I am Ms. Faragonda and I will be you principal. Now how about we get your schedules and your locker combination and books and you'll be good to go to classes. Please follow me." She said. The girls followed her out of the office and to the lockers. She showed the girls their locks and combinations. Then she gave them their schedules.
"I thought it was best to have you in some classes together." Ms. Faragonda said.
The girls looked at their schedules. Thy have music class first hour. Ms. Faragonda left and the girls noticed six boys staring at them. They looked away and started throwing books in their lockers. Musa's wrist started hurting really bad and she screamed.
"AHH I HATE HER." Musa screamed.
"What's your problem!!" A magenta haired boy yelled at musa.
"It's ok musa I know it'll be okay." Flora comforted musa and hugged her.
"Lets go to class guys before were late." Tecna said. Then they walked to the music room. They stood at the front of the class and they teacher introduced them.
"Class we have some new students here today. I would like you all to meet. Bloom, Stella, Aisha, Tecna, Musa, and Flora. They been having some problems so be nice to them." The teacher said.
"Your right they have problems. She just screamed in the hall for no reason at all." The magenta haired boy yelled and pointed to musa.
"Mr. Riven that is not appropriate and was not needed. I will see you after school." The teacher said. "Now girls why don't you sit in the front row." The teacher said turning her attention toward the girls. The girls didn't say anything. They walked and took their seat in the front row.
"What a bunch of freaks." A boy said and Flora turned around to were she heard the voice come from.
"Why don't you just mind your own business. And we're not freaks thank you very much." Flora said to the boy who said that.
"Why should he you freak." Riven said. Musa turned around.
"Don't you dare talk to my sister like that you jerk." Musa said. Flora went out of the class crying.
"Flora please stop." Tecna said as she headed out the door but the teacher stopped her. "Please let me go after her she's my sister and she's crying cause of them calling her a freak. Please let me talk to her." Tecna said. The teacher didn't budge.
"Miss I don't care if she's crying you can't leave my class." The teacher said.
"Are you trying to keep me away from my sister. I need threw and I need threw now. My sister needs us to comfort us. Musa you stay here and handle him I'm going after flora."Tecna said as she pushed past her teacher. All the girls except musa went after flora. The teacher followed them.
With musa
"You made my sister cry now your gonna pay." Musa said staring at riven.
"And how am I going to pay. What are you gonna do. All I did was make your freak sister cry like the baby she is." Riven said.
"Don't talk about my sister. She not the freak you are." Musa said then jumped on riven. Two boys pulled musa off of riven after she buster him lip and hit him in the eye. She struggled to get free. Riven stood up and got right in her face.
"What are you gonna do hit me. I dare you. Hit a girl. But be warned I will hit back." Musa said.
"I don't hit girls or freaks." Riven said. Then musa tried to get loose but instead she made the boys hands slide down to her wrists.
"Ahhh let go please. Please let go." Musa screamed. Flora and the rest of the girls came running in and saw two boys holding musa.
"Let go of her now. Your hurting her let go." Flora screamed running over toward musa and the boys.
"Let go of my sister now." Tecna screamed.
"Please let go your hurting me. Please stop." Musa cried.
"How are we hurting you so bad." The Orange haired boy asked. He moved his hand off of her and saw blood on his hand.
"Helia let go. Is their blood on your hand." The Orange haired boy asked.
"Why would their be blood on my hands." Helia asked then looked at his hands. "How is their blood on my hands. Why is their blood on my hands." Helia asked and looked at musa and Flora.
"I told you to let her go. You should have when she first said you were hurting her. Musa come on come with me." Flora said.
"Flora it hurt. It hurts so bad." Musa cried.
"I know musa come on. It's ok." Flora said while stroking her hair.
"Flora take musa and set her down. Stella you and bloom go get some wet paper towels. Aisha go get the first aid kit and run all of you go." Tecna said. Flora took musa and set her down.
"Tecna can you get me some tissues." Flora asked and everyone else ran off.
"Yea. Here you go." Tecna said handing flora the box if tissues.
"Thank you. Ok musa this is going to hurt and you know I would never hurt you. And I'm just going to go ahead and say I'm sorry." Flora said. She pulled up musa sleeve.
"Are those cuts. Why do you cut your arm. That's stupid." Riven said.
"I don't cut myself. My stupid mother does. That's why I screamed in the hall I hated her. She cuts all of us see." Musa said and she raised up flora sleeve.
"Musa. Why did you do that." Flora asked with tears in her eyes.
"Because flora we need help. And someone anyone needs to know." Musa said.
"Yes but what if she finds out shell do worse to us then she already does. And to tell you the truth I don't want to go home. I just want dad back." Flora said. Bloom and stella came in with the towels and aisha came in with the first aid kit.
"Here you go flora." Bloom said and handed flora the paper towels.
"Thank you." Flora said to bloom. Then aisha handed flora the first aid.
"Just be general please." Musa said to flora.
"Why do you think I'm doing it." Flora said. "I need a dry paper towel please." Flora asked.
"Here I got some just in case." Stella said handing flora the paper towels.
"Ok musa this is going to sting really bad." Flora said.
"Ok just get it over with please." Musa said. Flora poorer the alcohol on musa's wrist. "Owww. Owww. Owww. You said you would be gental. How is this gental." Musa whined in pain.
"Sorry but alcohol hurts. I can't help from it hurting. I need some bandage please." Flora said.
"Here you go flora." Aisha said handing flora the bandage.
"Thank you. Musa you thought the alcohol was bad this is going to hurt worse." Flora said.
"Then don't do it." Musa said.
"If I don't it will become infected now be tough." Flora said. Then she wrapped musa's wrist up.
"Ok so umm why does your mom cut you again." Riven asked.
"We can't tell you that." Tecna said.
"Why not." Timmy asked.
"Cause we don't even know why she does it. It's like anything we do is wrong. So she hurts us. And their nothing we are any body else can do about it." Flora said and started to cry but held it in.
"Then why don't you called the police I mean that's child abuse send her to jail." Riven said.
"And then what. We would be put in a orphanage. Unless..." Musa said.
"Musa we don't even know where he is and besides it's wouldn't matter he doesn't care." Bloom said.
"Yes he does he loves us bloom. He's our dad. He will take us if we tell." Flora said.
"No flora he won't. Stop living in a fairy tale. He won't take us he don't won't us. If he did he would not of left." Bloom said.
"Well I'm sorry that I like living in a fairy tale where everything ends up ok in the end. Because if you haven't noticed our lives suck. And he will come back cause he does love us. I was watching the night he left. He was going to tell. Then she threw him out. She barricaded the door and she saw me and took her anger out on me. That's why I live in a fairy tale. Cause my life sucks." Flora said and started crying.
"Flora... he's not coming back... he doesn't care about us..." Bloom said.
"Bloom yes he does. Dad does care. He tried to help. Why do you hate him so much." Flora said.
"Cause he married that thing that we call a mom." Bloom shouted at flora
"He did marry he. But he married he cause he couldn't raise six girls by himself." Flora said.
"Flora how do you know dad still cares." Musa asked.
"Cause musa. Like I said he called the cops but mom threw him out. Then cause I went to let him back in i got the crap beat out of me. I wasn't being clumsy and feel when I got those scars. Mom gave them to me. Just for trying to let dad back in. I yelled in pain. You all came running down stairs and she stopped before you all saw. She whispered in my ear if I told another living soul it would be last thing I did ever. She threatened to kill me. And couldn't tell anyone. Not even you. And now I can't go home. And if I see mom I have to run for my life literally." Flora said crying. Musa came over and hugged her sister. Flora just bawled in musa's arms." I don't want to be afraid to see her. I don't want to die." Flora cried.
"Your not going to die flora. You don't have to run." Musa Said. Flora looked at her.
"But mom said if I ever told.."Flora said.
"She tries to hurt you she has to go threw me first."Musa said.
"Thank you musa." Flora said.
"She'll have to go threw me to." Tecna said leaning down and hugging her sisters.
"Us to." Stella and aisha said.
"Bloom." Musa said.
"Bloom." Tecna said.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner." Bloom said mad at flora. She stepped closer to flora. "Flora why didn't you tell us. We're your sister's. You should have told us sooner." Bloom yelled at flora. Musa let go of flora. And got in blooms face.
"Bloom she told us why she didn't tell. Mom threatened to kill her. If she beat the crap out of you and put you in the hospital and threatened to kill you if you told would you tell. No you wouldn't. Now are you going to help protect our sister so she doesn't get killed. Cause if not then don't talk to me." Musa said.
"Well she still should have told us." Bloom said.
"Mom threatened to kill her if she did. That's why she didn't tell us." Tecna yelled.
"Stop it. This is also why I didn't tell you. Your fighting. Stop fighting." Flora yelled.
"So what can we do to help you girls." Helia asked.
"Nothing. We don't need help." Bloom. Said.
"Bloom be nice their offering help. And I say they can help." Flora said.
"And why do you get to say who helps. I'm the oldest so what I say goes." Bloom said.
"Well guess what I'm the youngest. I'm the one that's in real danger. I'm the one that mom is going to try and kill. So I say who gets to help protect me." Flora yelled.
"We will help you girls. No one deserves what you've gone threw."Helia says.
"Thank you helia and the rest of you guys. Sorry I don't really know your names or what your like." Flora said.
"Well my name is helia knightly. I'm 17 years old and I have a younger sister." Helia said.
"I'm Timmy techno. Im 17 years old. I have no other siblings." Timmy said
"I'm nabu ocean. I'm 17. I have no siblings." Nabu said.
"I'm Brandon knight. I'm 17. I have a little brother." Brandon said.
"I'm sky erakylon. I'm17. I have no siblings."sky said.
"I'm riven song. I'm 17. I have two younger siblings one boy one girl." Riven said.
"Ok now it's our turn girls without all the traumatic stuff. Ok I'm Flora Lynfea. I'm 16 years old. And I am the youngest of us. I was adopted by our dad when I was 4 years old." Flora said.
"I'm Tecna Zenith. I'm 16 years old. I am the second younger then everyone but flora.I was adopted by our dad when I 5 years old." Tecna said.
"I'm Musa melody I'm 16 years old. I am older then tends and Flora but younger then Stella, Aisha, and bloom. I was adopted by our dad when I was 5 years old." Musa said.
"I'm Stella solaria. I'm 16 years old. I'm just slightly older then musa. I was adopted by our dad when I was 5 years old." Stella said.
"I'm Aisha or Layla Andros. I'm 16 years old. I'm just older then Stella by a little bit. I was adopted by our dad when I was 6 years old." Aisha said.
"I'm bloom sparks. I'm 17 years old. I am the oldest out of us all. I was not adopted by our dad cause he's my real dad." Bloom said.
"Ok so now we know a little bit about each other. But a little is better then none I suppose." Flora said.
"Flora. Come here now." Someone yelled from the door way.
"Oh no." Flora said.

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