Chapter 2 protecting flora

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"Flora come here." Some one said from the doorway.
"Oh no" flora said. She looked and saw her mother standing in the doorway drunk.
"Flora don't make me say it again get your scrawny scankey ass over here right now." Their mother said. Flora started walking very slowly and scared toward her mother.
"Flora don't." Musa said. And grabbed floras arm to stop her.
"It's fine musa." Flora said. And musa let go. Flora got to her mother and stood about three feet away from her scared. "Yes mother." Flora said scared.
"Come here." Her mother said. Flora took a step forward. Her mother grabbed her. "I said come here you freaking whore." Her mother said. "Did you tell them our little secret flora." Their mother asked.
"No mother I would never." Flora said terrified.
"Did these boys find out our family secret." Their mother asked knowing the answer.
"Yes mother by accident it was all my fault. I started bleeding and that's how they found out." Flora said.
"So you told them." Their mother asked angrier.
"By accident mother. I didn't mean....." Flora was cut off by her mother slapping her to the ground.
"You stupid bitch it was no accident." Their mother said.
"Leave her alone." Musa yelled and tried to help flora but got hit.
"Don't touch her. She deserves her punishment. So unless you all want a punishment leave her alone." Their mother said then kicked flora. Flora screamed in pain and tried to crawl away. Her mother grabbed her hair and yanked her up.
"Oww Oww mother let go please." Flora begged. Her mother threw her to the ground.
"Leave her alone. She doesn't deserve this." Tecna said running to help flora. Their mother was about to hit Tecna but musa grabbed her hand. She was going to hit musa with the other hand but tecna grabbed it. Helia came and helped flora up. Floras mouth started bleeding really bad.
"Ok someone call the cops and an ambulance now hurry." Stella said looking at flora. Flora could barely walk. Her mouth was bleeding pretty bad. And her nose was bleeding. The cops came and took the girls mother away. Then the ambulance came and put flora on a stretcher. As they were wheeling her out she grabbed musa.
"I want musa to ride in the ambulance with me please." Flora said.
"Well take the rest of you girls in our cars if you'd like." Timmy said.
"That would be good please." Tecna said. They loaded flora in the ambulance and musa crawled in after she sat their holding her sisters hand. The rest of the girls rode in the cars with the boys. Tecna and Timmy. Nabu and aisha. Riven and helia. Stella and Brandon. Bloom and sky. They got to the hospital and all stands in one room with flora. Turns out she had a broken nose. She had go a couple of teeth knocked out. And she had a hole in her cheek. Here side was bruised from all the kicking and she had a fractured rib. After a few days flora was out of the hospital but was in a wheelchair.
"Thank you for staying with me in the hospital." Flora said.
"Your welcome." Helia said.
"So what do we do now. We have no adult to live with. Well have to go back to foster care." Flora said.
"No you won't." A man's voice said from behind them. They all turned around and the girls were speachless. Until aisha finally said something.
"Dad...." aisha said.
"Yes girls it's me I finally found you. Flora are you ok. I was so worried about you girls." Their dad said. He started to come near flora but she back away in her wheelchair.
"Why are you only coming now. Have you even been looking for us. We didn't move very far. "Flora said.
"Flora I have been looking for you since that day your mother threw me out." Their father said.
"and you couldn't have found us before she did this to me. You just had to wait till she did. She could have killed me. She threatened to when I tried letting you back in that night." Flora said to her father.
"Flora how was I suppose to know where she took you girls after that night." Their father said.
"how did you find us now." Flora asked.
"well um you were on the news and that's how I found out where you were." Their father said.
"so me getting beat is how you found us." Flora said.
"well yea but at least I found you." Their father said.
"well congratulations you see you youngest daughter hurt in a wheel chair." Flora said.
"so who are these boys your with." Their father asked looking at the boys like he was going to kill them.
"their just friends don't worry dad." Bloom said. Sky looked at bloom kinda hurt. Helia lend down to whisper something on my ear.
" the girls are all dating the guys. Sky and bloom, tecna and Timmy, musa and riven, Stella and Brandon, Aisha and nabu."
' Helia said in my ear. We were so close. His breath warming my ear as he spoke. I loved it. Helia was so nice and attractive. If only he would date me.' Flora thought
"Hey do you mind if I talk to flora alone for a minute do you." Helia asked everyone.
"No." My sister's and their boyfriend's said.
"Yes." My dad said.
"Dad it's fine. We're just talking. And you'll be able to see us maybe. We're just going for a walk and talking." Flora said. Then helia grabbed floras wheel chair and wheeled her around the park as they talked.
"So um flora I was wondering if you would um like to um go out with me. I know we just meet and everything. But I really like you." Helia said.
"Come here." Flora said. Helia lend down to where flora could tell him something but instead she grabbed him and pulled him in to kiss her. She kissed him then when he realised what was happening he kissed back. When they parted.
"So is that a yes." Helia asked.
"I don't know what do you think." Flora said.
"I think that I need another kiss to make sure." Helia said.
"Ok." Flora said. Helia lend down and they kissed again. They loved kissing each other and didn't want to part but had to to breathe.

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