Fruity Music Bar Performance

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                  Flora's POV

"Hello my name's flora I'm here to sign papers for mine and my friends band playing." I said to the girl behind the counter.
"Oh ok my name's Roxy let me go get the papers you gotta sign. Be right back." She said.
"Hey girls come here. She's getting to papers. Where are the guys." I asked.
"Their going to get our instruments. We told the girls that they need to get their instruments before they come up here." Musa said.

Ok. Well all we have to do us sign some papers then wait on them. What song are we singing?" I asked.
"Here are the papers." Roxy said.
"Thanks. Girls this is Roxy. Roxy these are two of my sister's. Tecna and musa." I said.
"Hi." Roxy said.
"Hi" they said. We signed the papers. Then everyone else came.
"Hey guys come meet someone. Guys this is Roxy. Roxy these are my other sisters. Stella, bloom, and aisha, or you can call her layla. These are our boyfriends. Sky, Brandon, Nabu, Timmy, riven, and helia." I said.
"Nice to meet you all. Flora you guys are up in 5 minutes." Roxy said.
"Alright. Girls let's go get on stage." I said. We kissed our boyfriends and walked on stage. We grabbed our instruments.
"What are we singing." Stella asked.
"Your the one. I know we dud it at school but we haven't finished the dance or the song. On the other one so. Here it goes." Bloom said. We started singing. After we were done singing the crowd erupted in cheers. We ran Don the stairs to our boyfriends.
"That was awesome." Bloom said.
"You girls were amazing." Sky said.
"Thanks." We said.
"Girls that was awesome. You defiantly have a gig every night if you want." Roxy said.
"Thanks Roxy. We appreciate it." I said.
"No problem flora." Roxy said.
"Well girls we better finish our song so we have one for tomorrow." Musa said.
"Yea flora aisha you need to finish the choreography. Then show us." Stella said.
"Alright. How about me and layla go work on the dance. And musa you work on the lyrics. Bloom and Stella work on outfits. And tecna work on the affects." I said.
"How can we help?" Helia asked.
"Do you know how to dance?" I asked.
"A little." Helia said.
"How bout you nabu?" Layla asked.
"Yea." Nabu said.
"Alright. Let's take our boyfriends with us." I said.
"Alright. See you guys later." Bloom said.
"Bye." Everyone said.
"Alright so flora I was thinking something maybe a little hip hop moves. Then me and you do some tricks." Aisha said.
"Alright well have to ask the girls I'd we have a spot for a dance. I'll text musa." I said. I tested musa.
"Hey musa do you think there is a spot in the song were me and aisha can dance to?" I asked.
"Yea. I will put it in. What are you thinking?" Musa asked.
"Hey aisha do you want to do a hip hop dance or what." I asked aisha.
"Yea that sounds cool. Or we could do tricks we learned when we were little." Aisha said. I nodded. Then tested musa.
"Little hip hop with trick from when we were younger." I said.
"That sounds cool. I'll work on it." Musa said.
"Thanks sis. Love ya." I said.
"Welcome. Love you to. Have fun." Musa said. I put my phone on the table.
"Alright so what tricks you thinking?" I asked aisha.
"Do you think you can still do a back bend, double cartwheels, back hand spring, and a front flip?" Layla asked.
"I don't know. Let's find out." I said.
"Alright back bend." Layla said. I did a back bend.
"Check." I said.
"Back hand spring?" Layla said. I did a back hand spring.
"Check." I said.
"Front flip?" Layla said. I did a front flip.
"Check." I said.
"Cartwheel." Layla said. I did a cart wheel.
"Check." I said.
"Alright. I could work with this." Layla said.
"Dang your flexible flora." Nabu said.
"Yea. I always have been." I said.
"Gymnastics?" Nabu asked.
"Nope." Aisha said.   "She just likes doing tricks. She use to put shows on everyone she would learn a new trick. She'd make a dance out of it." Aisha said.
"Hey I liked to have fun. Musa liked to sing. Bloom liked to be in charge. Stella likes fashion. You were doing sports. And tecna was into reading. I got bored. Musa sang all the time and I made dances to her songs." I said.
"Yea I know." Aisha said.
"Alright let's start on what we all can do." I said. We worked on some hip hop moves with the boys. When we finished after two hours.
"That was really cool." Layla said.
"Yea l. Now we know our boys can dance." I said.
"And we know that you two are flexible." Helia said.
"Alright let's go show the girls what we came up with ok." Aisha said.
"Alright let's go." I said.


Sorry guys it took so long to update. I have been having family problems. Hope you enjoy. I will try and update soon. Thanks for understanding.

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