The Plastics

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It was finally lunch time and I was starving. Chad and AJ invited me to sit with them during lunch hour. Thank goodness I won't have to eat lunch in a bathroom stall again like I did on the first day of school.

I got my food from the lunch line and was stopped by some fairly good looking guy, but he wasn't my type.

"Hey. We're doing a lunchtime survey on new students. Can you answer a few questions?" he asked me, taking out a notepad.

"Ok." I agreed.

"Is your muffin buttered?" He asked. A couple of his jock friends tried to keep their laugh under control.

"What?" I asked being confused by the question.

"Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?"

I scrunched my eyebrows, "My what?"

"Is he bothering you?" the girl by the name of Charlotte asked me, not being amused by the guy asking me weird questions. "Corey, why are you such a skeez?"

"I'm just being friendly." he answered.

"You were supposed to call me last night." Becky told him.

"Corey." she got his attention again. "You don't come to a party at my house with Becky and then scam on some poor, innocent girl 3 days later. She's not interested." she stated. "Do you want to have sex with him?" Charlotte asked me.

I looked at Corey then back at Charlotte, "No thank you."

"Good. So it's settled. So can go shave your back now. Bye, Corey." she smiled and waved.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Bitch." Corey said under his breath.

I had no idea what had just happened. I started to take a step so I can meet up with AJ and Chad. "Wait." Charlotte called me back. "Sit down." she offered me a seat with a sweet smile sweeping across her face. I looked over at AJ and she and Chad were waving for me to come sit with them. "Seriously, sit down." she offered again. I pulled out the seat and sat down. "Why don't I know you?"

"I'm new. I just moved here from Africa."


"I used to be home-schooled."

"Wait what?"

"My mom taught me at home-"

"No, no. I know what home-schooled is. I'm not retarded." she leaned forward in her chair, resting her crossed arms on the table. "So you mean you've never been to a real school before?" I shook my head. "Shut up." I shrugged. "Shut up." she said again in a girly voice.

"I didn't say anything."

"Home-schooled." she leaned back in her chair. "That's really interesting, but you're like really pretty."

I smiled, being flattered by her compliment. "Thank you."

"So you agree?" her voice suddenly got serious.


"You think you're really pretty."

"Oh, I don't kn-"

"Oh my god, I love your bracelet. Where did you get it?"

"Oh, My mom made it for me."

"It's so adorable."

Becky smiled, "Its so fetch."

Charlotte turned at her, looking annoyed, "What is fetch?"

"Oh it's like slang. From England."

Sasha looked at me with a blank stare, "So if you're from Africa... why are you white?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes while Becky's mouth fell agape, "Oh my god, Sasha. You can't just ask people why they're white."

"Can you excuse us for one second?" Charlotte asked me. I just sat there. I looked over at AJ and Chad who mouthed 'what are you doing?'. I shrugged having no idea what was happening right now. "Okay, you should know that we don't do this often. So, it's like a really big deal."

"We want you to have lunch with us, everyday for the rest of the week." Sasha smiled.

I needed to tell them that I already had friends I was going to sit with. "Oh, I-"

Charlotte cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "Coolness. We'll see you tomorrow." she smiled.

Great... I hope AJ and Chad don't think that I'm dropping them as friends.

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