Talent Show

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"I don't get why she would send you guys candy canes and not me." Becky continued to apply her mascara then looked at me. "I mean, she doesn't even like you that much."


"Maybe she forgot about you." Sasha told her.

"Charlotte has been acting kind of strange lately. Is something bothering her?" Please spill some good info Becky.

"Well, her parents totally don't sleep in the same bed anymore, if that's what you mean." Becky's eyes grew, just realizing what she just spilled. "Don't tell her I told you that." She took a second to think of other reasons why Charlotte might be mad at her. "Maybe she feels weird around me because I'm the only person that knows about her nose job." She gasped, "Oh my god. Pretend you didn't hear that."

The holiday talent show had already started. Chad sounded really cute singing, that "I am Beautiful" song by some girl named Christina Aguilera. I think she's part of the Spice Girls or something.

Then, Enzo and his buddies performed one of the strangest raps I've ever heard. Thank god, Principal Regal cut it short. Now, we were up next.

The girls lined up behind the curtain. "Becky, switch spots with Bayley." Charlotte demanded.

"But... I'm always on your left."

"Well that was when there were only 3 of us and now the tallest are in the middle."

"Then the whole dance will be backwards. I'm always on your left."

"And now you're getting on my last nerve. Switch." Charlotte smiled, but Becky knew she was really annoyed.

Becky looked down and switched spots with Bayley. The curtain rose and she pranced to the radio on the edge of the stage. Before pressing play, she waved to Corey who was sitting in the front row with his friends.

Bayley danced with the girls and felt kinda slutty while doing the provocative routine. She's never worn such tight, revealing clothing until now.

Chad and AJ watched from backstage. Bayley may have felt super awkward througout the whole thing but she didn't make it obvious.


AJ turned around to see Enzo standing behind her. "What?"

"Wish it was you out there, shaking that thang." He licked his lips before walking away.

AJ scoffed while Chad couldn't hold in his laugh any longer.

Unfortunately, mayhem unfolded on stage when Becky got confused with the steps and accidentally kicked the radio and it flew, hitting Corey in the face.

All the girls stood on stage, not knowing what to do next. "What a bright time, Its the right time. To rock the night away." Bayley sang acapella, hoping to god that people would join in. Thankfully they did.

The Plastics finished the routine with the entire auditorium singing along with them. When the dance was over everyone erupted into applause. They bowed and pranced backstage.

"You guys did great!" Finn told them, then leaned his head down to kiss Charlotte.

She backed up, putting her hands in front of her face, "Lip Gloss."

"Hey, good job Africa." Enzo complimented Bayley.


Becky's jaw fell agape, "Bayley's blushing. Oh my gosh, you totally have a crush on that guy!"

She chuckled at the ridiculous claim, "No I don't."

"That's why you wanted to join Mathletes." Becky added.

Finn scrunched his eyebrows and chuckled lightly, "Mathletes? You hate math."

"Look how red she is. You love him. And he totally complimented you. That is so fetch!" Becky cheered excitedly while Charlotte scowled.

"Becky!" Charlotte stomped, "Stop trying to make fetch happen! Its not going to happen."

Becky squeezed her lips into a thin line to hide her expression of anger. She has had enough of Charlotte's bullying.

Becky and I have English class together and we had to present our reports. Let's just say, mine went a lot smoother than hers is going right now.

"Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant, while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? What's so great about Caesar? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar. OK, Brutus is just as smart as Caesar. People totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar. And when did it become OK for one person to be the boss of everybody? Because that's not what Rome is about! We should totally just stab Caesar!"

Becky Lynch had cracked.

After class we went to the girls bathroom because she told me that she had some things to get off of her chest. Hopefully it was something that we can use in our plan to take down Charlotte.

"OK, if you even knew how mean she really is. You know that I'm not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? Yeah. Two years ago, she told me that hoop earrings were her thing and that I wasn't allowed to wear them anymore. And then for my Hanukkah, my parents got me this pair of really expensive white-gold hoops. And I had to pretend like I didn't even like them, and it was so sad." Becky began to cry but. Well that's nothing we can use. "And you know she cheats on Aaron?" Whoa! Hold the phone! What?! "Yes. Every Thursday he thinks she's doing SAT prep. But really, she's hooking up with AJ Styles in the projection room above the auditorium, and I never told anybody that, because... I'm such a good friend."

Jackpot! Becky's secret put the plan back in motion. After Christmas break, we tried every Thursday to help Finn catch Charlotte in the act.

Our first shot at busting Charlotte was to put a sign in the gym, saying that swim practice was taking place in the projection room, above the auditorium. Stupid, I know. But it almost worked. From what I heard, Finn just found AJ in his underwear in there.

We thought up this plan to have Chad put on a ski mask and steel my purse and run to the projection room, while Finn chased him. But instead of finding Charlotte and AJ, they found Coach Striker making out with Dana Brooke. Gross.

Looks like we're going to have to think outside the box, in order to sabatoge Charlotte in other ways. Dammit!

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