Just Acting

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"She took him back. Charlotte took Finn back." Bayley cried to AJ and Chad.

"Oh, no, Bayley."

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she's a life-ruiner. She ruins people's lives."

"When we were in junior high she made people sign this petition, saying that AJ was..."

She cut him off immediately, "Chad! Please! Look, she's not gonna get away with this again, OK? We're gonna do something." AJ stomped her slippered foot.

"We are?" Bayley sniffled.

"Charlotte Flair is an evil dictator. Now, how do you overthrow a dictator? You cut off her resources. Charlotte would be nothing without her high-status man candy..." AJ pointed to Finn Bálor's name that was written on a chalkboard board. "...technically good physique..." under that was written 'hot body'. "...and ignorant band of loyal followers." lastly she pointed to 'army of skanks'. "Now, Bayley, if we want this to work, you are gonna have to keep hanging out with them like nothing is wrong. Can you do it?"

Bayley took a second to think about what she was agreeing to. "I can do it." she assured with confidence.

"OK, let's rock this bitch."

-Northshore High School-

Pretending like nothing was wrong
turned out to be surprisingly easy.

"Charlotte wanted me to tell you that she was trying to hook you up with Finn, but he was just interested in getting her back. And that's not Charlotte's fault." Becky explained the story that Charlotte told her.

"No, I know."

"OK, so you're not mad at Charlotte?"

"God, no."

"Oh, OK, good. Because Charlotte wanted me to give you this." Becky opened up her arms and brought Bayley in for a surprise awkward hug.

The two girls both walked into the cafeteria together and sat down at their table which had a new member sitting there. Finn Bálor.

Charlotte looked at Bayley then ran her hand through her new boyfriends brown hair. "Why do you wear your hair like that? It looks so sexy pushed back. Bayley, would you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back?"

Charlotte was dangling Finn in front of her on purpose. All Bayley imagined was just jumping over the table and attacking the Queen Bee to the ground. But this wasn't The Animal Kingdom. This was Girl World. And in Girl World, the fighting had to be sneaky. "Your hair looks sexy pushed back." she told him.

Oh Charlotte, I am so going to enjoy getting revenge after all this.

The Plastics found themselves in the bathroom, looking in the mirror as always.

"Ugh, I'm starting to break out." Charlotte complained, as she touched her face.

"Wait. I have this really good skin stuff I'll bring you." Bayley offered.


We kept our eyes open for opportunities for sabotage.

AJ and Bayley emptied out the jar of face gel and replaced it with foot cream instead, before giving it to Charlotte before lunch.

"Hey." Charlotte and Bayley smiled, sitting at their table.

"Hey." Finn kissed Charlotte on the cheek. Yes! He's going to be so disgusted! "Your face smells like peppermint." he told her, before they started making out. Bayley rolled her eyes. Ugh, epic fail.

"This is ass, you guys. It's been a month, and all we've done is make Charlotte's face smell like a foot." AJ groaned, not being impressed with the little progress.

"I've been really busy with choir." Chad defended himself.

AJ was sick of things going so slow. It was time to bring out the big guns. "We gotta crack Becky Lynch. We crack Becky, and then we crack the lock on Charlotte's whole dirty history."

"Say "crack" again." Chad told her.

"Crack." AJ repeated.

"All right, let's reconvene tonight."

"I can't." Bayley told them. "I have to go to Charlotte's to practice for the talent show. We're doing a dance to this song..."

"Jingle Bell Rock." the long time friends answered at the same time.

"You guys know that song?"

"Everybody in the English-speaking world knows that song." These pointless talent shows were so not AJ's cup of tea. But, if this helped further their revenge plan, then she would go to it.

"Well, I have to learn it." Bayley gasped, seeing Charlotte walking towards her. "Uh-oh. Go." AJ and Chad casually slipped from the scene

"Why were you talking to AJ Lee?"

"I don't know, I mean, she's so weird.
She just, you know, came up to me
and started talking to me about crack." Wow, nice save.

"She's so pathetic." Bayley nodded in agreement. "Let me tell you something about AJ Lee. We were best friends in middle school." Bayley smiled, not knowing this piece of information. "I know, right? It's so embarrassing. I don't even... Whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend, Chris Jericho, who was totally gorgeous, but then he moved to Indiana. And AJ was, like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with Chris, she'd be like, "Why didn't you call me back?" And I'd be like, "Why are you
so obsessed with me?" So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like, "AJ, I can't invite you, because I think you're a lesbian."
I mean, I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There are gonna be girls there
in their bathing suits. I mean, right?
She was a lesbian. So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her. It was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her. When she came back in the fall for high school, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she's on crack." Charlotte ended her story with a shrug. Well damn! Ain't that something. "Oh, my God! I love your skirt. Where did you get it?" Charlotte complimented Ember Moon who was passing by in the halls.

"It was my mom's in the 80's." she answered.

"Vintage. So adorable."

"Thanks." Ember smiled, then continued down the hall.

"That is the ugliest F-ing skirt I've ever seen."

Bayley then had a flashback to when her and Charlotte first met and she complimented her bracelet. Sneaky little witch...

Bayley smiled when she felt herself starting to scowl at the blonde. "So are you gonna send any candy canes?"

"No." Charlotte shook her head. "I don't send them. I just get them. So better send me one byotch. Love ya. Bye." she blew her a kiss before going to class.

Bayley rolled her eyes. That's it! The candy grams! That's how we'll crack Becky! If I make it seem like Charlotte sent some to only me and Sasha, she'll think Charlotte is mad at her! Damn, I'm getting pretty good at this. "3 candy canes, please."

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