No Name

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Heart broken beaten and burnt

The girl that always gets hurt

Like a rock thrown through a window

Her world shattered waiting for a better tomorrow

She sits and watches her soul die

But all she ever wanted to do was to fly

Trudging through her sorrows and tribulations

She sees no hope or determination

But she keeps moving on

For her mind says that after the dark there is a dawn

Until one day a light seemed to creep into her life

Someone who wanted to take away her knife

Someone who wanted to piece her world back together

Someone who wanted to call her his forever

Even though she can not comprehend his caring nature

She felt like he was only doing her a favor

By giving her a small glimpse of happiness

Maybe a few minutes away from her madness

But he seemed to not be telling her lies

Maybe he was giving her a chance to actually fly

So she opened her broken beaten and burnt heart

In hopes that nothing will tare them apart

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