Blah Blah Blah

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Free verse:


Blah Blah Blah

Talk, it's so exhausting right?

I mean, why exactly do we even try and communicate or feelings?

Through vocal patterns we create

Wierd right?

But when it comes down to the truth

And you know it always does

Talking does not only communicates of feelings

It expresses our minds

If we had no way to explain our minds 

Then we would be no where

The processes of time would essentially slow down

We could still be in the dark ages

I mean, we would still get our work done

It would just take a longer period of time

And why is that exactly?

Because we would be trapped in our own little world

Not knowing exactly what other people think or feel

We would keep it to ourselves

And with that said, our own ideas would never be voiced to the world

Confined in your thoughts forever

So the next time you become increasingly bored from someone rambling nonstop

Think about what I have just voiced to you

Appreciate it more

Do not ever underestimate the power of words

This poem was more or less about me complaining to people who don't listen to other people, I guess it just annoys me at times.  But, I hope you learned something from this!

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