You Were The One

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Free verse:


You were the light at the end of my dark tunnel

The one that kept me aligned

Showed me who I am

And told me you would stay

You were my flavor to spice up my dull life

Had me try on new colors

Showed me what I have missed

Guided me through the dark 

You were my comfort to my fear filled world

Hugged me tight during a storm

Whispered sweet nothings in my ears

Told me to confide in you

You were my sweet candy to my bitter heart

I told you to leave me alone

You ran after me with your kindness

You complimented my flaws

You were the one I loved though out the storm

Rain ruined our legacy 

Thunder destroyed our past

Lightening tore our relationship in half

But I still loved you

You were the one who left me to rot

You left me to cry

Alone in the nightmare 

That is my life

You were the one who never came back to my broken soul

You pieced me together

Only to brake me yet again

And leave me to fend for my sanity 

You were the one who found another lover to comfort

Showed her everything you showed me

Taught her everything you taught me

Loved her the way you loved me

You were the one that broke me again

A billion pieces now lay on the ground

Impossible to piece back together

My heart left to die

And the worst part of this torn romance?

After all this 

After all the love and hate

I still love you

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