5 More Minutes

21 1 2

Free verse...


She taps her pencil in anticipation

The clock mocking her existence with it's slow ticks

Bullets of sweat roll down her forehead, the suspense nagging at her soul

Just five more minutes of class...

The teacher's babble about some topic of history has no importance to her

She just watches the clock tick away every second of her life that doesn't count

Eyes glued wide to that damned clock

Only four more minutes of class...

Her best friend's head slumped against the desk beside her in peaceful slumber

Totally unaware that the class was over soon

But yet she paid no mind to him for she only watched time pass ever so slowly

Only three more minutes of class...

She feels as if her heart is about to flee from her chest in an epic attempt to escape

Her mind clouded with the sweet thoughts about after the nightmare of school

Her left hand griped the desk, her white knuckles display  her anxiousness

Only two more minutes left of class...

Time seemed to slow down

Her hopes and dreams soon to come true

A smile soon plastered upon her glistening face

Only one minute left of class...

The second hand nearly there, taking it's good ol' time

She watched ever so closely at it's feeble attempts to slow down

Three... two... one...

Zero minutes left of class...

She sprung from her desk, joy overwhelmed her body

Glee glowed from her smile

She was so relieved, never has she ever felt so alive when she left the school

After just five minutes of class...

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