Chapter 1- teamwork?

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New book & I'm super excited for this so before I go on a page rant let's get into the story.

Chapter 1-
Peyton's pov

"You realize that we've never had a girl baseball team?" My coach said, and I nod. "You also realize that today determines if there is going to be a girl baseball team?" I nod again. "The team will be watching, you fuck up and trust me they will notice."

What a nice pep talk.

As I walked away from the coach I heard the boys talk, in an argument with the coach.

The boys all said, "Why are you letting her on the team?" And "If she sucks she'll ruin our reputation."

I turned around and walked up to all of them, "Nice to know you assholes have faith in me. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean shit." I didn't wait for their responses instead I grabbed a bat and swung like my life depended on it. I'll show those assholes that a girl can hit a ball, you don't know how much I wanted to kick them in the balls for their comments but I resisted because I don't think the coach would like that too much. It was a home run as usual but when I turned around all the guys had their jaws dropped except one.

I walked over to the boys and said," Well baby dolls you might want to shut your mouths before you catch some flies." From that moment on I was confident about this. I had just moved from California and come to Florida, I had no interest in being here but when my parents divorced I was forced to live here with my mom. When I moved here it was my goal to start or be on a baseball team no matter what. I wasn't trying to be people's friends because I didn't need the drama, I needed good grades and baseball in my life and I was complete.

The only thing that scared me was teamwork. The guys didn't want me here and it was noticeable, I don't know what they had against girls but they'd get over it soon because I was here to stay.

I went back to the benches and grabbed my phone instantly texting Cammie, my best friend back in California, how practice went. I really did miss Cammie she had actually helped me start a girls baseball team back home, she went through every milestone with me and I missed having her with me. I really wanted to call her but she worked today and had school so she'd have zero time to talk. Cammie helped me through the divorce, when we met she knew nothing but I went to school with bruises covering my body, thanks to my father. Ever since 8 th grade he became abusive, when I met Cammie all we did was go to her house to help me escape. I called Cammie just so I could talk and when she didn't answer I left a voicemail, "Cammie you'd love it here, geez I'm already missing California and I've only been here a week, I miss my partner in crime and I miss scoping out hot guys at our school together. Baseball went okay I guess, I mean they all hate me so that's...great. I miss you guys, but I love you lots bye." I put my phone away and packed up my gear before heading out.

"Pretty confident aren't you?" A voice said.

"Excuse me?" I said

"You have the balls to say that to my team? My team is highly respected here by everyone especially girls so you better fix your attitude." He said in a harsh stern voice.

"You've got yourself one thing if you think I'm going to be like other girls who throw themselves at you, I have too much respect for myself to be your side hoe." I walked out of the room feeling as unpowered as ever. I was going to show those boys who I really was.

"Don't walk away from me!" The baseball player shouted. I stopped and turned his direction. I heard whistling and then another baseball player yell, "Nice ass girl." He had something special coming for him to say that least. I eyed the guy before walking to him and getting a little too close to him, I whispered in his ear, "say that one more time I dare you." Before he could get a word out I kneed him in his balls and was amused by my work. The baseball team was laughing but the coach definitely wasn't.

"Ms. Bault come over here." The coaches voiced boomed across the field. So much for getting on a good side.

"Yes sir?"

"I should kick you off my field right now for that action, no field, no team. Get your act together now!" He yelled in my face while I simply nodded. Once he left I decided to head home after an interesting day.

When I arrived home I skipped dinner to take a nice hot shower then eat. My muscles ached while the hot water soothed my pain. This day has been weird and amazingly unproductive, I have no idea if I made it possible to start the girls baseball team or not because of my "act" today. The coach knows I'm a better player than the rest of them but because I'm a girl he's making it harder, if I was a boy I would have already been accepted into that damn team but of course not. Coach was going to make me dig my own grave before I could play on his field. My coach was a sexiest as could be against girls playing on his field, but I wasn't going to accept defeat.

I knew he'd still be at school in his office, so that's exactly where I went at 6 pm. Once I got in the school I knocked on his door and it opened moments later.

"Ugh it's you." He grunted.

"Yet if it was a boy you'd be just fine, suck it up cupcake. I'm here to get my team not to be insulted by you being sexist towards girls isn't okay. I'll play on your damn field weather you like it or not!" I was enraged by him being such a sexist pig that I didn't even realize what I just said.

Shit he was going to kill me for this

He came over to me, I was expecting him to yell at me but no that wasn't the case. He made a move on me, he wrapped his hands around my waist said, "Maybe I can reconsider it," and pulled us closer together that was until I kicked his horny little balls into place.

"Respect a women for who they are not for your needs. Get yourself away from me and I swear if you selfish little horny ass pig ever makes a move on me again more than your balls will be hurting." I was beyond pissed not only did I hate him before but I couldn't stand him anymore. This was the line where it had to stop, he can disrespect me but he can't touch me. When I snapped into reality I heard something drop to the ground with a huge thud.

I turned my head in a rush to see whoever or whatever caused that. I couldn't have anyone find out about this, I'd be the talk of the school for at least a month. I saw a figure in the corner of my eye and my jaw dropped the minute I realized who it was.

It was Alex.

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