Chapter 3-

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Authors note:
I'm terrible at writing & keeping up with these :-) so let's go before I procrastinate my way out of writing.

Chapter 3-
*Peyton's pov*

Callie still hasn't responded to my texts from last night but I understood seeming on how it was 6 in the flipping morning. I decided to look up directions, on foot, to my school and headed out. I loved Saturday mornings because I had no obligations and could relax. I locked the front door and plugging in my headphones so I could start my morning run, I chose to go to the baseball field and practice a bit then head back because that sounded like a solid plan.

I arrived at the field and of course our stupid school locked the wire fence to the baseball field but I was determined, so you damn know what I did, I climbed that fence. I grabbed my gear and started swinging at the balls. My distance was short of impressive and I was already sore. In the time of about an hour I had swung 23 home runs and the rest were lacking swings so let's not mention that. As I was about to hit the next ball I heard a voice that made me freeze cold.

"You jumped the fence?" Then I heard a thud and I assumed that person just jumped the fence too. "Smart girl."

"What do you want Alex?" I said spatting at him.

"My fields, every Saturday at 7 I practice. Here."

"So sorry for your luck then." Rolling my eyes at his ego. I wasn't about to leave because these weren't his fields.

"Don't make me make you leave." He threatened.

"I'd like to see you try." I murmured under my breath before My back was slammed into the wire fence.

"I'll give you one last chance to give me my fields."

Well I guess we'd see how Alex likes his authority tested because I wasn't leaving. "Try me."

He pushed me against the fence even harder until his nose was touching mine, this was too close for my comfort but maybe I liked it a little. He said, "Final chance to leave." And when I didn't respond he crashed his lips to mine, maybe he's trying to shock me? Then he might think I'll leave but I won't. So I engaged in this whole kissing situation and when I did he was shocked, I knew he wasn't expecting that. Peyton-1 Alex-0. He pulled away and he cursed at himself.

"That meant nothing. Clear?" He said clearly distressed.

"Whatever you say." Then I winked and climbed the fence.

"God you frustrate me." He groaned. "It meant nothing."

"Yet you like the fact that I frustrate you. And again whatever you say." I was having fun picking his little brain, but I started walking away knowing it was the right thing to do.

"Hey Peyton. Did you walk here by yourself?" He asked from a distance.

"Yup." I said popping the p while still walking away.

"I'm driving you home." He said as he hopped over the fence.

It was my turn to be shocked. "Thanks but no thanks, I can walk." But he wouldn't give in. That stubborn shit.

We could repeat the fence situation if you don't get in my car and let me drive you home." He winked and I accepted defeat.

Peyton-1 Alex-1.

The car ride was pretty silent until I asked him, "so why did you make such a big deal out of that kiss. If it meant nothing it meant nothing." He didn't respond. He could at least answer the damned question, I mean he emphasized that kiss too much for it to seem like nothing, or at least to him. That kiss meant nothing to me. That's what I tried to convince myself of.

*Alex's pov*

I dropped her off at home with a dying urge to kiss her again. I may have said it meant nothing but I didn't mean it, I actually wished she would have rejected getting in my car just so I could replay that scene. I parked the car and walked in my room to start my routine even though I played zero baseball because of her. I jumped in the shower before I went downstairs to get food. It was about 11 am now and I was bored as hell almost tempted to go to her house, but I didn't. My parents came downstairs and as per usual informed me that I was a lazy ass but they never knew I actually got up at 7 am and was productive.

I checked my phone at least 100 times to see that Peyton actually had an Instagram, no I wasn't stalking I just found it in my suggested to follow bar. I hit request and decided to take a nap in the mean time because let's be real I had nothing else entertaining to do.

She accepted my follow request, which shocked me because I thought she was going to deny it, but she didn't. I looked through her feed rubbing my eyes as her beauty stunned me and from my nap.

I got back to reality to realize it was 1 am and I had my English paper that was due tomorrow 0% done, so I texted my resource.


Text: hey so I didn't do that English paper care to help Peyton ;)?

Text: it's 1 am Alex, get a life.

Text: please Peyton.

Text: fine.

she came over 5 minutes later will nothing but a sleep shirt on and I was stunned. She immediately made me stop staring and get to work as we didn't have much time to do this paper.

Finally 4 am came and our damn paper was done. Some maybe wonder why I decided to do this paper at 4 am on Sunday morning but I didn't want to do it on Monday so better late than never I guess.

Peyton looked attractive as hell and again the urge to kiss her was too strong to resist, I leaned in looking at her and her doing to the same. I put my hand around her neck to support her while I leaned in further. Finally our lips collided and wonders happened in my mind, a kiss turned into a wild makeout session. I pulled away just as it was getting good.

"I can't do this, leave. Now." I said

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