Chapter 5

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Hey guys I know it's been forever I've just been slammed and had some tough days but aye I'm back 😉.

Peyton's Pov-
Needless to say he didn't let the voice interrupt the make out session. Moments later we both pull apart, me feeling all tingly inside, and him well I don't know how he felt. I stared into those beautiful eyes of his not regretting that kiss even if it was coach.

I felt my knees getting weak as the seconds passed and he knew that too. He put his hands on my waist and wrapped me around him. He made sure to whisper in my ear, "don't worry I've got you princess." When he said the word princess it had me melting inside.

Dear god,
Don't ever let this moment stop, please.

Everyone says that you fall in love the moment that you feel like you're the only two people in the room.

I don't though.

When I chose a guy over baseball is when I know I'm head over heels in love with a guy. And Alex had me so close to that point. Hell I hadn't even gotten a team together I could forget the plan and focus on him. He had mesmerized under his spell as if he was a magician. I mean surely giving up what I loved was a lot to do but that's the opportunity cost in the situation.

Him or baseball?

Was that even a real question?


I saw him bite his lip, and in turn had to tease him because this is Alex we're talking about. "Turned on much?" With a sassy wink.

He just rolled his eyes.

"So I think we both know who's better at baseball now." With a slight smirk appearing on my face.

"Still me."

"Ugh no way. Let me down and I'll show you who's boss," I said.

"No can do princess."

"And why would that be Alex?"

"Incase you don't remember you did just blackout awhile ago."

He had a good point. Hate to admit it but he's right. I gave him a pout face but that didn't work so I had to give up.

"Come on let's go" he said finally letting me down.

"Go where."

"My house."

And that's when I got nervous because what good would a guy like him be up to. But maybe he just wanted to hang out somewhere besides the field. I started walking to where I originally set my stuff down and then was about to walk home when Alex stopped me.

"What're you doing?" He said

"Walking home....."

"Come on i'll drive you."

"No I'm really..." and that's as far as I got to my sentence before he pushed me up against the fence again, my breast almost perked up to my chin.

"Princess don't make it happen again."

"Fine you win." I snarled.

"Cute." He said in a smartass tone, which I loved but hated. He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. Something about this felt so ilegal and dangerous, but then again I had been raised up so innocently. We were driving and driving, I had become quite familiar to this route by now, I mean there's not much around in the town anyways. The sights were memorizing, just watching trees pass, I fell into old memories and thoughts. There was even a graffiti under the bridge we passed, there wasn't much vandalism in this town but this one was funny. It said "cocksuckers" that brought back memories to my best friend. We used to always call her dog that because he was a attention whore, a loving one, but after so much it got old.

I lost my thought when I felt someone or something pick me up, much to my surprise it was Alex. "What are you doing!!" I playfully screamed and tried to get out of his arms, hate to admit it but it felt nice. "I need to get changed put me down!!" I insisted.

"Why? You look more than fine." He spoke.

"I'm hot"

"You're telling me" he snarked.

"Oh shut up," I said hitting him, "just let me change for Pete's sake."

"Okay you may."

"I don't need an audience!!" I said.

"Ugh fine." He let me into his house finally. Immediately my lungs filled with the smell of smoke, he shuffled me up the stairs into his room and opening his window, I heard a muffled voice say something to me but I couldn't hear it when Alex slammed the door.

"I know he's an ass." Alex said slamming his baseball stuff down.

"Hey, look at me." He hesitantly looked at me. "Just relax okay? It's fine."

"It's not fine. This was a terrible idea."

"We can go to my house if you want." I said trying to give him options.

"No I just want to hang out with you!" He screamed. I jumped away from him, scared from him knowing his fathers anger. "Hey hey I'm sorry don't be scared okay." He said embracing me in a hug.

"You're confusing me. Like one day you're insulting me and another you're kissing me. Like it just doesn't make sense anymore."

"Hey, I don't know what I feel okay. Like you make me happy but I just don't know what I feel."

I layed on his bed and a few moments I felt another body lay next to me. He pulled me closer and rubbed the small of my back. "It'll be okay baby girl. I promise."

"Can we just stay like this please." I pleaded.

He turned my head and he kissed me, in the end biting my lip to tease me. I let out a slight moan and quickly concealed it.

"That's right baby girl." He smirked.

I smacked his abs and thought to myself I really like this kid, but was he just messing with my feelings?

I moved a little further away from him after that thought, him almost asleep pulling me closer.

I like the leader of a baseball team. That I'm supposed to hate.

"Alex-" I said until I got cut off.

The door flew open with force and here came his dad. "Another hoe you're bringing over? Aye at least get me one!" He tried to grab me off Alex's bed but Alex to my surprise jumped up and protected me. I ran as fast as human possible out of that room because I was scared to death. Was I just really another hoe? I ran to my house and locked my door, my mom was still at work so I was home alone and frightened.

Then I heard a knock and prayed, because that's the only thing I really had left in my life was prayer. My only father I grew up with was Jesus, he protected me and saved me. I went to my room went directly to my bed. It was so weird how a inanimate object could make me feel so safe.

I looked at my clock and it read 12 am, oh boy was this morning going to come early.

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