1 - Christmas Shopping

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Your favourite month of the year. Everyone is so lovely during the Christmas time. Christmas food and songs. Lights shining up the city.
It was not snowing yet, but you really hoped it would. You've never seen London covered in white sheets before.

"So, do you and John have any special plans for Christmas?" you asked Mary as you both walked down the Oxford Street. Mary smiled to you. "You do! Come on, tell me."
"John has something planned. He won't tell me though, as it is a surprise. He says he's been planning it since we got married in May," Mary said. She couldn't hide her big smile on her face. "Aw, John's such a romantic," you smiled, and you both started to giggle.

"Okay, there it is," Mary stated as she pointed towards the building in front of you. "Moss Bros."
"I'll try and see if I can find John a new proper shirt. He needs a new one for his suit. Are you gonna buy anything for Sherlock?" Mary asked you. "I guess... I mean, I'd love to give him something, but what? He doesn't want anything particularly, or I don't think he does. Besides, what do you give a high-functioning detective for Christmas?" You joked before the both of you thought for a moment in silence as you walked into the store.

"You could give him a shirt, maybe a red one. I've never seen him in red," Mary finally said while looking at some shirts on a tripod. "Neither have I, but he has so many shirts, and I'd like to give him something else. Something he'd really appreciate." Mary elbowed my arm. "Aw, you like him! I always knew you did!"
You hushed at her, "Stop it, no I don't. Not like that. Anyway, if I did, I'd never have chance with him. You know what he's like; 'love is a dangerous disadvantage' and all that".

Meanwhile, back at Baker Street
Sherlock's p.o.v
"So Sherlock?" John asked.
"Hm," I responded.
"What are you up to on Christmas since Mary and I are travelling?"
I opened my eyes and looked at John who sat down in his chair. I sighed. I never had a special thing to do on Christmas. Last year Mycroft and I went to visit our parents, something we, especially Mycroft, disliked. My brother hates Christmas. Usually he locks himself in his office, as he practically does every day, and wait for the day to be all over.
"Sherlock?" John looked at me with a curious look.
I turned my head to look at him. "Why don't you ask what Y/N's gonna do? I believe she's staying in London this year," John said as he took a sip from his coffee.
"John, I hardly believe Y/N wants to spend the Christmas day with me as she most likely would go out or stay home and watch Christmas movies. As you know John, I'm not really into those sort of things," I answered him. John raised his eyebrows in response. I just ignored him while he took another sip from his coffee. Why is he bothering me with this? I thought.
"So you want her to alone on Christmas Eve?" he asked me. "What? No... It's just that we have different interests-"
"Com'on, Sherlock," John interrupted me. "I'm sure you can figure out something you both can do. Except don't spend the day in the lab," he said and put down his cup and picked up the newspaper. "Why not?" I asked. John sighed. "Because you're not celebrating Christmas if you spend the day, working in the lab," he clarified.

I closed my eyes and went into my mind palace to think about something else. As I entered my mind, I saw her in front of me. She was wearing a red dress, didn't have any shoes on her feet and her hair was set up in a ponytail. Her expression on her face was sad and she looked down on the floor. Slowly, I walked towards her. "Y/N..." you said carefully. She raised her head and looked at me. "They're coming," she said with a neutral tone. I knitted my eyebrows. What did she mean? I was about to ask her, but then she disappeared.

I snapped out of my own thoughts and John seemed to notice. "What did you think about?" he asked me. "Nothing," I claimed and rose up from my chair and went to the kitchen to make myself a black coffee.


Sorry for this short chapter...

The next ones will be longer!

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