16 - A Threatening Message

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"We have to look for him," Mary stated.
"Where do you suggest we start?" Mycroft asked. You were all in his office, trying to figure out what to do.
"None of your men have heard anything?" you asked Mycroft and Sherrinford.
"We wouldn't be here if they had," Mycroft said.

"Who knows what they're doing to him right now," Mary sobbed.
Sherlock walked back and forth in the room with his hands folded together as they always are when he's thinking.

"I believe, since you," Mycroft started and made a gesture towards Mary, "and Lestrade and your landlady came back, in not too seriously injured," he stated and we all looked at him. "John will come back as well."
"So you just want to sit on your chair and wait?" Mary asked upset.
"Until we figure out something, I don't see how much more we can do," Sherrinford said with a loud voice.

"Shut up everybody! I'm trying to think!" Sherlock shouted and Mycroft sighed.
"He's still doing that?" Sherrinford whispered to Mycroft.
You were all quiet to let Sherlock think. Mary turned away from us and dried her tears. You walked over to her and hugged her.
"John's my best friend and he's the bravest I know. He knows how to take care for himself," you said.
"I was gonna tell him last night," she said and you knitted your eyebrows.
"Tell him what?" you asked and Mary placed her hand on her stomach. It didn't take long until you understood her.
"You're pregnant?" you asked and smiled and she nodded. You gave her another hug and congratulated her. As did the others.

"Jake Tylor," Sherlock said all of a sudden. "Can we track him down?"
"I suppose we can give it a go," Sherrinford said.
"Then there's no time to waste then. Mycroft, you and Sherrinford try to find out where he is. Y/N, Mary, I'm going to St. Bart's, coming?" Sherlock said and left the room. By the time the rest of you walked out of the room as well, Sherlock was half way down the corridor.
You didn't really have any other option. Therefore, you followed him. Mary came along as well.
"Text me!" Sherlock called after his two brothers before he, you and Mary left.


Mary got to get some snacks while you and Sherlock sat in the lab. Sherlock did some search on the computer, but you didn't ask him what. Your thoughts was at John and wondered how long this was going to last.

"What do you think they're doing to him?" you asked, not really aware that you did. Sherlock lifted his eyes up from the screen and looked at you.
"He'll be alright," Sherlock said, but you knew he was just as worried as you and Mary. He tried to cover that he was afraid. You knew he was but he did his best to hide it as he always did.

Mary came back with the snacks and asked if there was words from Mycroft or Sherrinford. You could see that she's been crying again. Her eyes was starting to get red, but her scare in her forehead had healed very quickly and it didn't look so bad now.

Sherlock's phoned beeped. First, he ignored it, but then it beeped again. He groaned but took out his phone and looked at the messages.
"Who is it from?" Mary asked impatient. Sherlock kept looking at his phone, not saying a word. However, his eyes spoke instead of his mouth.
"Is it the blocked number?" you asked. Sherlock got up from the chair and took his coat. You and Mary looked curious at each other.
"Coming?" Sherlock asked, while he held the door open.


"Are you going to tell us what those texts said?" you asked as the three of you got in a cab.
Sherlock sat down opposite you and Mary. He put his elbow in the window, placed his fist in front of his mouth and starred outside the window.
"Fine," you mumbled and starred out as well. The drive continued in silence. In his mind, Sherlock went over the text multiple times.

First message:

"If you want to see your best friend again, you'll do as I tell you to. First, stop trying to look for him because you're only wasting your time. Second, I know you've figured out that there's only two more available bricks left. And you know who they are for. If you want to prevent your dear girl form being next, I suggest you think about that offer I gave to Mrs. Watson. Don't worry, you'll get John Watson back." 

Second message:

"But I tell you this; if Ms Y/L/N isn't on a plane out of London by tomorrow, it'll be worst for you both. You have until Midnight."


I know this was a really short chapter, sorry!

Now, I'm pretty busy tomorrow, so I might not be able to post the next chapter, but I'll try! 

Thanks to you who's still reading this story! :)  

~ cumberlocked4ever

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