20 - Behind Closed Doors

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Everything was cold. Your body was shaking. The floor was hard and ice cold. The air was dank. Your teeth clattered. You looked down your body. You still had the dress on, but no shoes. You were barefoot. Your hair was a bit messy but still in a ponytail.

You sat curled up in the corner with your knees under your chin and your arms around your legs. You constantly tried to warm yourself a bit by breathing your warm breath on yourself. Your head was spinning and hurting, and your mouth was dry.

Where am I?


Sherrinford had immediately called Sherlock when he noticed you were gone. They had tried to search for clues in the room where they abducted you. And Sherlock did find something. Footprints.

He had taken the sample to the lab at St. Bart's and studied it. Out of the results he got, he got a few ideas of where you might be.

Mycroft and Sherrinford had sent out men to all of those places, but none came back with the news they wanted to hear.

"I must have missed a place," Sherlock mumbled and started to panic. He couldn't stop thinking about what they might be doing to you at the exact moment. That's why he thought his mind wouldn't work as it usually did.


The door opened and a man came in with some bread and water on a tray. He put it on the floor. When you looked at him, you saw it was Jake Tylor.

"Bon appétit," he said and left, locking the door behind him. You stared at the bread and water in front of you. You chose to drink the water but left the bread.

A while later, Jake came back.
"You haven't eaten yet? Fine, just starve then," he said, took the tray and left you again.

You were so cold that you almost couldn't feel your body beneath you. You didn't question who kept you here, but you questioned what they'd do to you, where you were and if they had taken Sherlock as well.
You laid your forehead on your knees and closed your eyes.


Back at Baker Street

Sherlock pushed all the papers away from the table and overturned the chair.
"Sherlock! Focus!" Sherrinford told him as he grabbed Sherlock by his arms. "This isn't helping, Y/N," he told him.

"Get off me!" Sherlock barked and wriggled out of his brother's grip. Sherlock walked downstairs.
"Where are you going?" his brother asked after him but Sherlock didn't answer. He put on his coat, scarf and gloves before left his flat.

He walked fast down the street and picked up his phone. He clicked on the number and made the call. Not long after, he got an answer.

"I know you have her. Tell me where you are, and I'll gladly come to you," Sherlock said. It was quiet in the other end.
"I know you're there. If you want me, then come and get me. I'll be waiting at Warren Street," he said and hung up.


Your body jerked up when the sound of a door opened. You opened your eyes and lifted your head.

"My boss will see you now," Jake told you, but you gave him a look that told him you weren't going willingly.
Jake sighed and pulled you up. You didn't fight him, just let him guide you to his boss.

He lead you into a huge room. Two cars stood some meters away from a man, sitting on a chair. There was also a desk behind him, and two other men, one on each side of him.

"Look at you," the man in the chair spoke. "The detective's angelic girl. I can see why he eventually fell for you, but I can't see why you admire him so much."

"I don't expect someone like you to understand," you said. The man chuckled.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is Damien Darhk. But I suspected you already knew that."

"You'll never get away with this," you said. Your body was still shaking, and you felt that you hadn't eaten since last night.

"I honey, I already have," he said to you. He got up from the chair and stood right in front of you. He had black hair and was dressed in a grey suit.

"I wanted to see you with my own eyes, and you're truly beautiful," he whispered in your ear and touched your arm.
"Oh, you're ice cold, my dear," he said and waved one of the men over. "Give her a blanket," he told the man who nodded and disappeared to find one.

Suddenly Damien's phone rang. He rolled his eyes and looked at it. Then his eyes widened and he smiled a villain's smile.
"Take her back to the room," he told Jake who did as his boss commanded.


Jake dropped you on the cold floor. He squatted down in front of you.
"You know, I know a way to make you warm," he whispered.
"Go away" you said without looking at him.

You started to rise up to get away from him, but he grabbed your ankle so that you fell down again.
"Oh, come on," he said and turned you around to that you laid on your back. He placed your arms over your head and held them down by holding your wrists.

"Get off!" you screamed, but he pushed his body on yours so you were unable to move. He kissed your neck, and collarbone.
"How can such a pretty girl like you have ended up in this trouble?" he asked as he kept kissing you.

He removed one of his hands from your wrists and placed it on your thigh. His other hand held both of your arms.
"You can scream all you want. No one can hear you," he said and moved his hand further up on your thigh.

You tried to get your hands free, but you were too weak. Therefore, you kicked him between his legs with your feet. He screamed in pain and you used your chance and managed to bite his ear, which made him scream again.

Blood rolled down on the floor and the released his grip on your hands to touch his ear.
You crawled backwards and got up on your feet.

A man came in with a blanket in his hands. He looked from you to Jake who got up as well.
"So, you tried to get yourself some tonight?" the man asked Jake. "Wonder what the boss would say to that."

He slung the blanket in front of you.
"Don't tell him," Jake said angrily and left with the other man who locked the door.

You collapsed on the floor and burst out in tears. You took the blanket around you and laid down.

Later that night, they gave you another tray with a piece of bread and water. Again, you didn't touch the bread, only the water. You didn't feel like eating, and you wouldn't eat anything those people gave you.

Eventually,you cried yourself to sleep. 

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