4 - Chasing Us

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Sherlock had tried to figure out the meaning behind the chess brick and the visit from yesterday all night. John went home to be with Mary, while you spent the rest of the day and night in Baker Street. It was John who recommended it in case the men would come back. At least we weren't alone if it happened. However, no one came.

Sherlock had been up all night. You had borrowed John's old room since he no longer uses it. When you came downstairs, Sherlock was in the same position and clothes as he was when you went to bed last night. Lying on the couch, his legs stretched out. His long body filled the whole length of the couch. The chess brick stood placed on the table beside him. Sherlock had his eyes closed and his hands folded together under his chin.

You smiled to yourself by the site of him. He always looked so relaxed when we was in his mind palace. While making coffee, you heard a groan from the living room. You looked behind you just in time to see Sherlock walk over the table by stepping on it. "Anything?" you asked. "It just doesn't make sense," he said and ruffled his hair. You loved when he did that. "Why send a piece of chess? Because whoever is behind this wants to be clever. There's something to it, something, something that I've over looked," he remarked. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. You always do," you comforted him. "Besides, we're all gonna help you."

You went up to him and gave him the coffee. "As you like it," you said and handed him the cup. He looked a bit surprised, but accepted it with a quick smirk, "thank you". He took a few sips before he said he had to go and change clothes. There was something different about him. He was stresses about this whole thing, but it's like he's troubled. Like something else is on his mind...

As he left the room, his iPhone beeped. Since it lay on the table just beside you, you saw the message. It was from a blocked number. "Hey, Sherlock?" you called for him. "Hm?" he responded. "You need to come and look at this."

Sherlock came out of his bedroom, wearing a new shirt, and possibly new trousers. His jacket hang over his chair. "What is it?"
You showed him the message on his phone. He picked it up and read it aloud.

"Enjoying this, Mr Holmes? Don't worry, there is more to come. I guarantee that you won't be bored."

You were interrupted by Mrs. Hudson who came in to us. You asked her how she was. She told you she was all right, but you could see that she still was a bit shaken after what happened.
"Maybe you should go and visit your sister for a while," you recommended. Sherlock looked at you both. "Y/N's right. Pack a suitcase today. I'll tell my brother to get you a plane ticket for tonight."
"Oh, I can't leave now. Not before we find these men and that I know you're all safe. And who is going to clean the flat while I'm away? You're certainly not going to go it," she claimed and looked at Sherlock who gave her a smile. "Don't worry, Mrs. Hudson. Housecleaning is the least of our worries now. However, I can do it. I don't mind," you said and smiled. "You guys sure about this?" she asked you. "Definitely," Sherlock answered while picking up his jacket and put it on.
Sherlock's phone beeped again. This time it was from John.

"Hey, are you all okay? Heard anything more from the mysterious men?"

Sherlock showed you the message and you could see by the look of Sherlock face that he was thinking about to tell John about the message or not. "Well, I guess I should go down and start packing then," Mrs. Hudson said and left while Sherlock contacted his brother to tell him to get a ticket for Mrs. Hudson.

Several hours went by, but nothing happened. You and Mary went out for some more Christmas shopping while the two boys went out to meet some of Sherlock's homeless networks. You and Sherlock had told them about the message, and Mrs. Hudson visiting her sister. "It's so scary. Knowing there's people after Sherlock. They probably knows about us too, which means our lives might be at stake," Mary whispered to you. The two of you had stopped to look at some jewelleries that a woman was selling by the street. Just by coincidence, you looked into a mirror in front of you behind the table with the jewelleries.
"Mary," you said low. "I mean, I'm just so tired of people trying to ruin our lives," she continued. "Mary," you tried again a bit louder. "What?" she looked at you. You nodded in the mirror's direction and she understood what you meant. As you both looked in it, you saw a man in black suit slowly coming towards you.
"They're all beautiful, but I'm afraid we have to go, it's has occurred an emergency," Mary told the woman behind the jewellery table.

You hurried down the street, careful not to try looking over your shoulders too much. Mary picked up a small mirror from her bag and pretended she fixed her makeup when we actually was looking behind us. The man was still behind you, following your every step. Ahead, you saw a crowd of people waiting for the green light so they could pass the road. You and Mary nodded to each other and pushed yourself into the big crowd. As soon as you were in, you started to run and push people out of the way. You ran over the road, almost hit down by a car. You took a right turn and then a left. Your feet kept running for what felt like ages then suddenly, around the next swing you both ran into something and you almost toppled over.

"Ah!" it screamed. You looked up, and were met by a pair of blue-green eyes you knew all too well. "Mary, Y/N. What's going on?" John asked surprised. "There's a man after us. I don't know if he managed to follow the road we took. We should go, now," you answered. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" John asked again. You both shook your head. "Were there others?" Sherlock asked you. "No, no we only saw one man."

Before you could say or do anything else, the man appeared the same was as you came. John acted immediately and dragged Mary behind him. When the man saw that Sherlock and John was with you, he started running away. Here's when Sherlock reacted. He started chasing him. "Sherlock!" We all shouted after him but it did no good. Instead, you started to run as well, followed by John and Mary.

You didn't manage to catch up with Sherlock, but then they headed out on the sidewalk where there were more people. You came closer and closer to Sherlock. The man was a bit ahead and didn't mind the people he ran over. He looked back to see how far behind we were, which was his mistake. Just as he looked over his shoulder, a car appeared and the man crashed right into the bonnet.

Sherlock did an abrupt stop which caused you to almost ran into him again. You both stood and looked at the unconscious man while you breathed heavily. Mary and John came up beside you and Sherlock. People stood in a circle and payed attention as well. The driver came out of the car and walked over to the man. "Call an ambulance," the driver shouted out. "Is he...dead?" Mary asked. You saw a man picking up his phone and making the emergency call. The driver put to fingers on the man's wrist to check his pulse. "Come on," Sherlock said. "Let's get out of here." Then the four of you turned around and walked away fast without looking back.

"That's was interesting," John mumbled as you were close to Baker Street. "If he didn't take that road, I could've caught him and then asked him some questions, but it's useless now," Sherlock said with a grumpy tone. "He was coming for us. First Mrs. Hudson and now us," you said. As you rounded the corner of Baker Street, Mrs. Hudson came out the front door. "Ah! There you are, I've been trying to reach you!" she sounded a bit upset. "We're sorry, Mrs. H. Something came up," John excused for us all.
"Oh, well. My flight is in two hours, so I better be off," she said. We all gave her a hug, except Sherlock. She had to hug him herself to which she just chuckled at. "Now, you be careful," she said before getting in the car. 

Sherlock: The Human RobotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora