13 - Surprise, Surprise

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Your eyes slowly opened. You had slept surprisingly well considered the situation you were in. When you saw clearly, you saw living room. You knitted your eyebrows and tried to remember what you did before falling asleep last night, when you realized you were still on the couch. However, you didn't lay directly on it. There was something else under you. On the other hand, you laid upon someone.

You tilted your head up a bit and saw Sherlock's face. His eyes was still closed. His left arm was around your waist and his right was on his thigh.
It was quiet in the flat, so you figured John and Mary were still asleep as well.
Your phone lay on the table and you tried to reach it carefully, but your arm was just a little too short. You sighed and looked back at Sherlock. His chest rose and sank slowly. Some of his curls had fallen down and covered a bit of his eyes. You wanted to remove them, but refrained. He looked so adorable.

When you looked towards the window, you saw it was still dark outside which meant it was in the middle of the night or early in the morning. You felt tired and therefore you laid your head back on Sherlock's chest, listening to his heartbeats.


John awoke in the bed, Mary facing him with closed eyes. He checked his phone and it showed 8am. He put his phone down and stroke Mary on her arm. She opened her eyes.
"Good morning, love," he said and she gave him a weak smile. John kissed her hand and told her he had to use the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, he saw you and Sherlock sleeping on the couch. First he just stood and looked at you, then he smiled.
Mary came down and John put his finger on his lips to tell her to be quiet.
"Look," he whispered and nodded towards you. As soon as she saw you, a smile appeared on her face.
"Aw, they look so cute," she said.
Her smile soon dropped. "I wish everything was fine. Then I'd be more happy for them. Now, I just pity them since we're still in danger. This man isn't joking. He will come for Sherlock eventually," she said to John.


"Sir, there's a man here to see you," one of Mycroft men told him.
"Very well, send him in," Mycroft answered. He had his back towards the door when the visitor came in.
"Long time, no see, Mr Holmes," the man said. Mycroft recognised his voice and turned around.
"What are you doing here?" Mycroft asked.
The visitor laughed. "It's nice to see you too. You have gotten slow, Mycroft. Your little brother and his friends are in danger, and you have done what exactly?"
Mycroft sighed. "These people are good at hiding. I have men out looking-"
"And for how long?" the visitor interrupted Mycroft. "After I finally realized your men won't get anywhere, I decided to do some research myself." The man walked around in Mycroft's office, studying the objects while talking.
"And I guess you have found out something then?" Mycroft asked irritated.
"In fact I have," the man said and walked up to Mycroft. "I know who's after Sherlock. His name is Damien Darhk. I met him once, a few years ago. He managed to trick my men into a trap and escaped."

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of him," the man said.
Mycroft didn't answer. "Hm, and I who believed you were a powerful man, Mycroft. Practically being the British Government and all."
"What does this Damien Darhk want with Sherlock?" Mycroft asked.
"He has been after Sherlock from the very beginning," he said. Mycroft just looked at him interrogative. "After I found out it's all Damien, I put the puzzles pieces together, and it lead me to a rather interesting result. It's time for Sherlock to know."
"And how to you think Sherlock will take it? You being here, in London?" Mycroft asked him. "Don't think he will be pleased to see you."
"He has more important things to worry about than me being here," the mas said and left. "I'll see you soon, Mycroft!" he shouted back.

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