One Year Later

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I was driving down the desert of Las Vegas. I didn't know where I was going this time. I've been everywhere, basically. It felt right leave Leaving Anmesty Bay, I just couldn't live in that city anymore. It didn't have the pull I thought it had. Barry was right on that hunch.
I received Thea's latest letter, just before I left, she misses me, I could tell by her writing. I never reply even though I should. She knows I can't. Someone will know I'm still alive.
The desert was hot, I had every window open, and I was speeding down at least at 90 miles per hour. But still I couldn't feel the wind on my face. I had to take off my shirt to feel a slight breeze.
I started to see fragments of skyscrapers, L.A. I guess, but I didn't want to go there, the last thing I needed to be is in a big city. Even though L.A. seemed interesting something pulled my body somewhere else.
I turned at the exit before the road that leads to the city.
The desert started to change, like I was going into another world, an hour later foliage appeared, there was nothing, but trees. Until a sign came up:
I never heard of this town. I turned toward the sign directions, and saw the town, quiet, forest, big houses, rich. Nice.
I felt connected-- not connected-- but drawn like I'm supposed to be here. I didn't know why. I was willing to find out.
I had a feeling I wanted to stay at least for a while. I didn't finish High School in Star City might as well finish here.
I drove around looking for apartments, which were out of my budget. I found a very old house, with a for rent sign. I looked through the door, it was refurnished a bit inside. I called the owner, maybe just maybe this the town I could settle down.
$600 per month.  I paid the first six months up front. She didn't ask any questions she just counted the hundreds she had in her hands. "The Bathroom is upstairs to the left and the bedroom is the right at the end of the hallway, just keep the house orderly and you'll be fine. If you want a party just tell 24 hours before okay? Where's your parents?"
"I'm 18." I answered. Dead. I thought at the same time.
"Oh." She said. She turned around and walked away awkwardly.
I went upstairs and opened the bedroom. I laid down my bag, the only things I owned. Clothes that needed washing, a picture of me and Thea, and my bow and arrows and a set a small speakers.
The walls were newly painted over, the floor creaked with every step you took. I walked toward the window, and moved the curtains, and dust exploded everywhere. I saw a yellow house across the street, parked in the driveway was a Toyota Corolla, and a Motorbike.
A kid came out of the house rushing to get on his motorbike. He was tan, with black hair, his back shivered and looked back, he saw me. And there was a flash of reflection on his face. I closed the curtain slightly, but enough to have my eye looking through window.
I closed the curtain, and laid on the bed, tired from driving, like 500 miles. I looked at the picture of me and Thea.
"I miss you." I said. I hugged the picture.
I kept hearing of The Green Arrow with his sidekick Speedy, kicking ass in Star City, I was proud of Thea, she always wanted to help people and this was her chance to.
I go by Jason, Jason Rodgers, now. I worked as mechanic, cashier, and a busboy. I had instances that people needed saving too. It's not me though, it's Arsenal. Not the Arrow, because he's green, but another guy, who's willing to save other people.
I twisted and turned my body on the bed and looked at my bow and arrows, thunder rolled.
I fell asleep, as the rain fell. I fell asleep, thinking of Replying to Speedy. Then I realized I do.
By, saving people as Arsenal.

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