Lost and Found

472 15 3

Roy. POV

I put my bow and quiver in the trunk and laid Stiles in the backseat. My body shivered in the scariness that someone actually knew who I was. And a High Schooler no less!what did he do? matchnall the articles together and find links and piece it like a puzzle? What's next? He found out that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow?

I drove, concentrating on the road. I kept check on Sleeping Stiles in the backseat. Liam drove his Jeep, behind mine back to the Animal Clinic. It was weird, I wondered if he could hear mynheart racing right now, I wondered if he wondered why.

All of us met at the door where Deaton opened the door and helped Scott drag the Kanima into the clinic. Once I got inside, Scott looked at me, Stiles's Dad found Lydia's car abandoned in the school parking lot.

"He fell asleep. I didn't want him to lose the fun of this." I scratched my head awkwardly dragging Stiles, "We kinda need a Detective, He's the best one we got." I said And He's a damn good one too. I put Stiles on the seat. "Stiles." I said repeatedly, "Stiles wake up. Damn it Stlies!" I slapped him, and he woke up with a scream.

"Son of a Bitch!" Stiles looked at me "You- You drugged me?" His eyes swiveled against the bright lights in the Doctor's office.

"Can we talk about this later?" I said silently "I'll you and them everything. Just help them." I put Stiles's arm around my shoulders and guided him to the the big room. Stiles was drooling, and his shirt was filled with blood. "Doc, a little help please." I lifted Stiles shirt and he looked at him.

"Its not deep enough to cause enough damage or turn him into a Kanima is my best estimation." he concluded as he cleaned Stiles's injuries. Stiles woke up with a burning pain from the alcohol digging through his cuts. "Two weeks give or Take, he'll be healed by those cuts." He passed out from the pain. Even by looking at his cut made my stomach churn inside.

I was relieved and so was everyone else, it was good that Stiles was still human, and nothing else. I liked Stiles, he was reasonable, and down to earth. It was like The Dynamic Duo I saw in Gotham. We all turned to the Kanima on the table next to Stiles. "Can you turn it back to human?"

"I don't know if I can, even if I could, the human side would know what he's doing. He's being controlled by another person can have a big effect on the mind. Like amnesia." Deaton said.

"So he won't know where Lydia is?"

"No. Unless the master told him so."

"Let's think about it, the person controlling it knows about the Nemeton, Lydia being a banshee, plus how to control a Kanima. This quote on quote, master knows about the supernatural." I said looking at Stiles, the Detective, "Where would a supernatural person hide a banshee? A person that can predict a lot of death."

"Oak Creek." Scott said. "Think about it, that camp runs directly under a telluric current."

Deaton grabbed a map and located a line a a location, "That's Oak Creek."
Scott traced his fingers to the Nemeton, "it's a straight line."

"I don't want to go back there." Kira said coming to hug Scott. "Too much happened there."

"You can stay," he looked at her with such affection, that it reminded me of Thea. "We have Jason now."
I nodded. "I'll go."
"Me too." Stiles woke standing, tired from the pain and the sedative I injected him with. I could tell everything was spinning in his head like a top. I walked over to him, and put his arm over my shoulder to guide him.
"Let's go then." Scott said. I looked at Scott, regretting also going to Oak Creek, his confidence lowered, his eyes narrowed, and didn't want to leave his comfort of his girlfriend. He slowly let go of Kira's hand walking away. Kira whispered something in his ear, and he nodded. "I will."
Once near my car I opened it, and gave Stiles a new shirt.
One that Thea gave me. Cautiously he looked at it. "Don't worry, I won't drug you again." His eyes squinted at me with confusion, but with understanding. He got in the car. And the ride was awkward.
"So Stiles," I began, "you know, can ask me anything you want."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Okay then lets do this, I ask a question then you have to answer and if you ask me I will have to answer it. "
"Fine, but I already know all about you."
"Yeah like what?"
He counted his fingers, "Your real name is Roy William Harper, You were The Arrow--Excuse me The Green Arrow's first sidekick Arsenal, and you like helping people." I grinned, another feeling of relief came over me. I didn't have to lie anymore, at least to one person.
I tapped on the driving wheel, "Well, Well, you got me figured out Stiles." I said, he looked down, sad in a way of denial. The immense guilt that you feel that clouds the soul. "What happened there, In Oak Creek?" I subtly asked him.
"Well that was subtle." He said. He looked at the road, he recognized it like I was going the right way, "I killed someone there." I looked at him and he looked at his shaking hands.
All the sudden that relief was gone, I saw the weight was weighing on him for years now. I knew what that feel like. The way that a dark storm dimming your soul.
But slowly you feel your soul gaining strength again seeing that blue sky again. I stopped the car.
"She was one of my best friends, Allison."
Now I know. "But wasn't you Stiles. It was the Nogitsune controlling the Oni."
"Scott Told you?" He asked me.
Scott told me after I laid Stiles in my car. About Allison, about The Nogitsune about The chaos it spread around the town. About Void Stiles.
I looked at Stiles who was drooling and was almost passed out on my seat. "He's cured." Scott said assuring me, I didn't care if he wasn't, I could tell a good person when I saw one. "Do you hold it against him?"
Scott looked to his best friend, "Never."
Stiles's eyes started to fill up with tears. "That's what I tell myself Every, Single. Day. But you didn't feel the pleasure of killing people, of being chaos." He looked at me "I'm a killer, Roy, don't you get that?" He blamed himself.
"You didn't kill them you didn't have control Stiles, there was nothing you could've done. But you can do something now, Stiles now is right time. Saving Lydia."
"Yeah,-Yeah, Your Right, Thanks." He wiped his eyes. I started the car again, "Turn Left."
I saw Liam and Scott in front of us. Waiting, a black gate was camouflaged with vines and rust old caution police tapes were wrapped around it, broken.  New chains and heavy duty locks locked the gates so no one could come in, ever again.
I never liked lying, especially to good people, like them. I got out of the car and whispered looking to Scott, "You should talk to Stiles." I opened the car door. I looked at Stiles, "Are you okay to walk alone?" I asked.

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