Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Anthony sat on the floor with his back against the bed, strumming his guitar. He looked up toward the open door and found Lena’s twin, Mel, watching him. Talk about night and day, he thought, she didn’t seem anything like her bitchy sister. “Come in, I don’t bite.”

She must’ve saw the question on his face and decided to answered. “Looking for the bathroom I had to stop and see where the Metallica was coming from.” He was surprised and that too showed. “Nothing else matters, the black album.” She added.

“I’m impressed you know that.”

“Why? I’m a big fan of the 90’s alternative scene, not the whiney crap they call alternative now.” 

The more she spoke Tony considered marrying her. “Have a seat.” He motioned to the spot on the floor next to him. “Is Mel short for anything?”

“Amelia. What’s Tony short for?”

Wanting to see her face he pulled her cap off, she tensed but didn’t say anything. “Anthony.” He said with a smile as he looked into her green eyes and took in her dark hair. Yeah he had to marry her. “I like Amelia better, can I call you that?” she shrugged and not because she was caught up in his charm and couldn’t answer. No shrugging fit her attitude, she didn’t seem fazed by much or too interested in the little things. “Not a big talker, I like that too. Some girls can be too yappy.”

“So you’ve met my sister.” She wouldn’t look at him for too long, instead her eyes drifted to the sketch pad between them. “Yours?”

“Yeah I like to mix the two.” He said motioning to the guitar as he placed it off to the side. “I get a good riff going then draw out whatever comes to mind.” He flipped through some of the pages; the drawings were of fictional people and scenery.

“You’re really good.”

“Thanks. You should let me draw you, your eyes would be amazing for a class I have coming up. I go to the community college.” He spoke but all his interest was on her eyes and periodically her mouth. “What do you say?” feeling bold he grabbed a piece of her straight hair between his fingers.

“Mel!” Lena shrieked from downstairs, her voice bouncing off the walls.

“You probably don’t want her to find you in here. She hates my guts and not in the sexual tension way, she really can’t stand me.” Anthony advised.

She stood. “You almost make me wanna laugh.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“Yeah.” She pulled her hat back on and left the room.

Anthony smiled; Amelia Lowell had been interesting, far more interesting then anyone else he had met lately. He wanted to see and get to know more about the girl.


She joined Lena in the living room. “What took you so long?”

Amelia kept a straight face and said. “I don’t ask you want you do in the bathroom.”

“Um, ok.” Lena grabbed her purse. “You ready to go?”

She glanced at Eric and his pretty hazel eyes. “Yeah your friend can’t retain anymore of my greatness.” She walked out of the house and admitted only in the safe haven in her mind that the tutoring session wasn’t that bad. Eric didn’t make fun of her once or look grossed out to have her in his home. And then there was Anthony, she be damned if he didn’t remind her of Zander. That had been the reason she stopped at his room and talked to him.

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