Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After school Amelia walked home, said her quick hello to her mother who was typing away in the downstairs office, then locked herself away in her bedroom. After meeting Anthony yesterday she thought of Zander even more, if that was possible. She reached under her bed and pulled out a box filled with his old drawings. She had his first until his last and everything in between.

She sat on the floor and looked through them, her chest tightened but she didn’t cry. She didn’t want her eyes to blur as she looked at Zander’s work, the dark lines that moved across the paper effortlessly. His soul forever captured in those moments that inspired his beautiful talent.

“Mel?” her mother knocked then stepped inside. “Oh honey.” She said sadly as her eyes took in the scene. “Dr. Morgan said it’d be best to put away the constant reminders.”

“No offense mom, but fuck what Dr. Morgan thinks. I can’t just lock Zander away and forget.” She hated that damn old geezer her mother forced her to see once a month.


“Mom no. I know you think it was some child puppy love but it wasn’t. I loved him, I still love him with everything inside of me and I can’t let him go and move on.” She gathered the loose sketches and put them away. Her mother didn’t deserve to be around his work, his soul.

“Mel you were fifteen---”

“Oh god not again. Trust me I know what you feel about it and Zander knew too because you treated him like shit when he was alive and now you cant even respect my memories of him now that he’s gone.” She got off the floor and grabbed her hooded jacket off the bed. “I’m gonna go for a walk, good right? I won’t be locked in here with my ‘reminders.’” She walked out of the room with fury pumping through her veins.

Why couldn’t anyone understand? Why did they all want her to forget? What the hell did they want from her? For her to smile and love life when the one person she loved outside her family, the one person who accepted her for who she truly is, was gone?

She ran from the house needing to get away, her lunges burned and her side cramped before she finally stopped. Her tantrum took her to the same street the Marcetti’s lived. Eric was at practice, their mother worked late and their father was remarried living outside the city. Anthony was home alone, his car in the driveway confirmed it.

Why did her subconscious bring her here? Did she want to see Anthony because he reminded her of an older version of Zander, who he could’ve become? Or because her family would hate it? It had to be the first one because she didn’t plan to broadcast spending time with Anthony.

She walked up the porch and knocked. A minute passed then the fast paced footsteps approached closer. “Well hello, can I hope you’re here to see me?”

“There’s no one else here.”

“Thankfully.” He took her hand and ushered her inside. “I tried calling you last night.”


“Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Honestly.” He crossed his heart and hopped to die.

“I don’t have a phone. I’m not a big talker or social type but I do have email.” She was something of a computer geek. “My sister really doesn’t like you, what did you do?”

“I make fun of her crush on my brother every chance I get and she doesn’t like anyone outside of the jock/preppy mold.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “I don’t think I’m a bad guy but it depends on who you ask. What do you think?” Anthony asked with a sly grin.

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