Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Mel sat across the sand with Anthony resting his head across her lap, neither caring how the sand was sticking to their wet salt watered bodies. It was quiet and peaceful out there all alone together. The waves made soft music against the sand as they lapped back and forth. Birds hid within the tress chatting with each other. It truly was another world from the one she was used to living day to day, certainly better than being trapped at school for hours wanting to escape to somewhere like this very place.

Their beautiful reverie was broken by the sound of Anthony’s cellphone going off tucked under his shirt in a pile across from them. He made no move to answer it. “Are you sure?” she asked, not wanting him to miss something that could be important because of her.

“There’s nothing that I should be doing than what I’m doing right now.” he turned to the right and laid a kiss over her thigh.

She moved her fingers through his hair. “You’re too sweet to me.” His kindness made her want to cry, she fought now against the powerful tears struggling to spring free.

“There’s no such thing.” He sat up and kissed her mouth next.

Mel braced her hands on his bare shoulders and kissed him back. Things were about to get much more heavy when his cellphone rang again. “It’s ok, answer it.” she promised as she made the first step pulling back.

With a groan he moved toward their pile of clothes and fished his phone free. “Hello?” he listened to the other person for a minute before saying. “Give me half hour I’ll be there.” He cursed as he hung up. “That was my trainer and he has a line on a pretty good prospect.”

Mel touched her hand to his cheek. “You’re still black and blue from your last fight. I thought you like to wait a few weeks in between.”

“Yeah but when the opportunity strikes it’s best to grab it or I’ll be forced to move back home or to a homeless shelter.” He teased lightly as he grabbed her hand. “You don’t have to worry; I’m good at taking a punch.”

Mel didn’t want to be the nagging worried girlfriend that couldn’t handle her boyfriend’s choices. “You are pretty hardheaded. We should go so you’re not late.” They stood from the sand and gathered their things.

“Have you decided if you want to go home yet? I don’t mind if you stay at my place.” He said as they walked hand and hand back to the car.

“I should probably get back before mom files a missing person’s report.”

“I’ll drop you off, I don’t want you taking the bus, but first we have to wash all this sand and salt off.”

With a plan set in motion they boarded back inside the car headed to his studio apartment. Mel did feel better from the emotional mess she had been earlier after they talked about Zander. She could think of her once best friend without bursting into sobs now. Talking to Anthony helped, being with him always helped.

Mel used the shower to wash up first as Anthony dug for a shirt she could borrow and something for himself to change into and take for training. As he was pressed for time the whole process went by pretty fast, in less than fifteen minutes they were back out the door.

“I wish I could’ve taken proper advantage of you in the shower.” Anthony said with high levels of frustration.

Mel hadn’t been expecting that dozy of a one liner from him and ended up bursting into a fit of laughs.

Anthony pulled her against him as they reached the car. “I’m glad my sexual frustration amuses you.”

“That was pretty funny.” She agreed. “But think of it this way; we’re a few months ahead of the game.” They both knew there was no way they were going to wait that long to be intimate with each other. Seventeen or eighteen, it really made no difference to her.

“Are you still ok with that?” Humor and laughs were replaced by his very real current fear.

“Yup.” Mel stood on her tippy toes and pecked him lightly on the lips. “I’ll only regret it if I learn that sex was supposed to actually be better than what you gave me.”

It was his turn to laugh until he was red in the face. “I think I did a good enough job but when we have more time I’ll more than gladly try again.”

“I’ll hold you to that stud.”

As he drove closer and closer to her home the more nervous and scared she got. There was no question about it; her mother was going to be pissed. Not only did she miss school but she never came home last night and never called to ease any worry she’d have.

They had spent the whole day away at their private little heaven at the beach. School would be letting out soon and Mel thought maybe she could hide that one from her mother.

“She’s going to know I was with you.” Mel said softly. She went from being a closed in mouse always at home to now she always found a reason to be anywhere but. The only thing that changed in recent weeks was Anthony and her mother had never been stupid.

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. She’s gonna spin this into something and make it so I have to stay away from you. I can’t do that.”

“We’ll figure it out.” He held her hand tightly, it was the only comfort he could offer as he drove but she felt his same convection coursing through her body; nothing was going to keep them apart.

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