Part 3

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Hey Everyone!!!! I'm really really sorry for updating this late,,,,, so i decided that since it takes long for me to update 5 verses per page, i can do 1 verse every day, or every other day, WITH their explanations! what do you guys think?:D

Here goes today's,,,,,:)

"So i say, walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires whats contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh."
-Galations 5:16-17

In this verse, Paul is trying to tell us that if we live the way God wants us to live, we will not please what our sinful nature wants. Because, flesh and the Spirit are contrary, they're against each other. We are living doing things that the devil wants, and that are against the Spirit. We cant live with the two, since we want to live by the Spirit, we must choose to live in agreement with Him. He is God, and He will never change, so this means that we must 'change' ourselves, more like change the way we live, and walk with Him, live the way He wasnt us to live. And if you're going to keep His Law, keep it a 100%. But im not saying don't sin, because everyone does, just don't live it, don't get addicted to it.

"This verse states the great principle of Christian living-walk by the means of the Spirit." (J Vernon McGee)

Keep reading the Bible:) God bless <3

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