Why was Satan created?

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I'm sorry it took long @VintageGiraffe.......

As asked by one of my readers, ^^ I am going to explain why was satan created. I'm going to explain some things, that hopefully will bring you to the right answer.

Ok, starting off, God didn't just go and create satan, God created Lucifer, as a powerful angel with glorious future. In fact God trusted him so much, that Lucifer was in control of a lot of things. But that wasn't enough for him. He was 'jealous' of God, and he wanted to steal His throne. So, after Lucifer rebelled against God, he was cast to earth, where he turned into satan. 

So you think, why did Lucifer turn against God?

Because he saw that God made people in the very image of Himslef, and gave the authority over this earth. 

As stated in Genesis 1:26,

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Then, in Psalms, God says that He will not break His promise.

Hearing this, Lucifer became angry, because Adam and Eve had something he didn't. Even though he was God's number 1 angel, he wanted more, he wanted to have more than what human beings have. Believe it or not, he even wanted to take God's place. So, he thought that by decieving Adam and Eve, he would take the authority of being the 'god' of this earth. 

Lucifer went and lied to Adam and Eve to eat from the tree that God told them not to. By the way, he wasn't ugly or scary looking, because if he was, Adam and Eve wouldn't really listen to him. He was kind of like a cameleon, that chanes. Just like two faced people,,,, 

PS: Satan was sent to earth, because he couldn't just stay in Heaven after rebelling against God, so for him Earth was like "a hell" because of how glorious Heaven is. 

To clarify, picture this. People love their lives, but when they die and go to Heaven, they don't want to come back here, because of how amazing Heaven is, how beautiful and full of worships. 

So, there you go! I hope this helpsed<3 Thank you for reading, and asking, tell me if you have any other questions. 

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