Chapter Five

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  Chapter Five

     I sat in the car as Rayne began filling the car with gas. Theo sat in the back seat, glaring out the window, completely silent. My eyes followed the man who held my heart captive, all the way into the gas station.

     I looked up into the rearview mirror at Theo, a sickening indecisive feeling spread through my stomach.

     "Um," I began. I swallowed harshly as Theo's eyes cut to mine through the mirror. "I need to use the bathroom." My voice was weak and soft, but that meant nothing to him. He didn't look at me like Lydia did, with hate and disgust; he looked at me, a serious expression on his face. I was his job now.

     "Of course, Luna." Theo responded. The car door flew open as he barged out and grabbed the handle of my door, opening it softly. He waited for me to get out before scanning the area. "Follow me." He ordered, as he begun forward.

     I kept my head down as I scrambled to keep up with his long strides. I slowly walked into the bathroom, swinging my head around, checking the room for threats or enemies.

      "I'm fine," I breathed, tiptoeing into the first stall I saw. "I'm safe."

      After doing my business, I began washing my hands when the door opened. Two girls, about the same age as me walked in. They were clad in tight dresses and heels as they stumbled to a stall, laughing obnoxiously.

     "Oh my god! Did you see his face? He was so beautiful!" The blonde girl exclaimed as I hurried to dry my hands.

      The red head's eyes widened as she grappled for the door of a stall to hold herself up. "I know, Kendall!" She bit her lip as she smirked and backed into the stall, collapsing onto the closed toilet seat. "I wouldn't mind a piece of that meat." She purred.

     I tried to scoot passed them as the blonde one – Kendall – flung herself away from the stall to the sink where I'd been standing.

      "What are you looking at?" She sneered as I tiptoed passed. My eyes widened and I shook my head, my mouth opening but no sound escaping. Her sneer turned to a sultry smile. "Oh? Like what you see?"

      The red head laughed out loud. "Kendall! She is not your type! I mean, look at that bag she's wearing." She exclaimed, gesturing to my clothing.

     Kendall's eyes shot up and down my outfit choice and nodded in acceptance. "Definitely not," she muttered as she turned to the mirror behind her. I swallowed harshly and barged out of there.


    I marched passed Theo and headed for the car without a second glance. What was wrong with me?

    I ripped the car door open and flung myself into the passenger seat. I slowed my breathing and stared at the dress covering my thighs, twiddling my thumbs. I couldn't wear anything other dresses, all other clothes felt uncomfortable on my skin. I'd never worn anything except for these scraps that Master would give to me every few months.

     "Luna," Theo wretched the door open and stood broad and strong outside my door. "What happened?"

     I shook my head and looked away. My eyes trailed to the young couples passing by, the motorized vehicles speeding passed going faster than I ever imagined possible. These people from this naïve world they live in had absolutely no idea what lives right at their doorstep. An alternative species that lives side-by-side with one another, and the humans have not a single clue about werewolves by any means. And here I was, not even able to be around them.

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