Chapter Two

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   ::Stolen: Chapter One::


When I opened my eyes the first thing that came to mind was one word. A word I never thought I’d hear in my entire life.


     I breathed in a large gulp of air and slowly pulled my body up into a sitting position. I wasn’t in the infirmary anymore, I realized, and I also noticed the lack of pain on my body as I moved. I looked down at my once bruised arm and fractured wrists, completely bewildered. How did they just go? Then a thought came to my mind. Maybe I had been unconscious for a good couple of weeks.      With that thought, I felt my heart race and my hands begin to shake. The unfamiliar room unnerved me, and though I was scared, I felt an undeniable calm wash over my body. But the shaking did not stop with my body, no, I unfortunately continued to shiver fearfully, though whether through being in an unknown place, or at close proximity with my mate was hard to decipher.

     The scent filling the air was magnificent; a mixture of the forest, pineapple and old spice, something that instantly made my mouth water and heart race.

Feeling a restlessness begin to settle within my body, I cautiously peeled away the plain blue sheets of the small single bed and hesitantly placed my feet on the smooth brown of the tiles floor.

     I pushed up from the bed and moved toward the closed to door. With a fearful swallow, I grasped the door handle in my hand and was just about to open it, when something hit the door on the other side. I jumped away in shock and felt my heartbeat begin to increase.

     The sound came again and I just stared at the door in fear. What was that noise? Just as I was about to crawl back into my bed, the door was pushed open.   A small scream escaped my mouth in surprise and the person walking through the door rushed towards me.

     “Are you okay?”

     I looked up, my breathing slowing down from it’s fast pace as I realized it was only Beta Damian. I nodded timidly and he let out a short breath. My mouth opened a couple of times, my mind whirling with a bunch of questions, but where would I begin?

     “You’re allowed to speak, you know.” Damian said softly as his hardened eyes slowly softened at my gaze. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded once more and licked my lips nervously.

     “What was happening to the door?” I asked shyly, and his face immediately scrunched up in confusion.

     “What do you mean?”

     I pointed at the door. “There was this sound on the door. It scared me before.”

     For a second, Damian just stared at me in wonderment, before a small figurative light bulb went off in his head.

     “Oh,” he hummed. “I knocked on the door.”

     I peered up at him in curiosity. “Kn…ocked?” I asked slowly. What was that?     Damian gave me a small smile and held out a hand.

     “Well, it’s what we do when we wish to enter a room that’s not ours.” He explained, before nodding his head at his outstretched hand. “Now, we wish to see you down stairs. Well, the Alpha does, alright?” I nodded at his words before looking at his hand, as if there were something wrong with it. I searched through my brain. What would someone in my situation do? Then it came to – the word’s that Jordan had said to me. I quickly grasped my hand in his and began to shake it, a happy smile forming on my face as I felt proudness swirl within my chest.

Stolen (Saving You Series #1) Where stories live. Discover now