Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


     I loosened my arms from around knees drawn to my knees and tilted my head from my position on the floor, but I didn't lose my eye contact with the window.

     "Yes." My voice was like an open void of nothing. There was no emotion, no proper tone, if anything it only held monotonicity.

     "You must take your medication," Theo insisted as he walked further into the room, putting the tray of food and my bottle of medication on the nightstand, right next to my curled up position on the floor. "And I'm going to wait here until you take them so I know you aren't stashing them again." He added, giving me a knowing look.

     I moved my gaze to window. "There is no medication for loneliness and hopelessness is there, Theo?"

     Theo's gaze stayed surely on my own. " Of course not."

     I looked down, "then I guess I won't be needing those meds, since I'm not sick."

     Theo's combat boots squeaked on the tiled floor as I walked around me so I was facing him indirectly. "Do I need to get the Alpha?"

     Rayne's face came into my mind. I hadn't seen him in almost nine days – since we'd had the argument when I'd first arrived. I heart longer for his company, for his assurance of safety and security, for his love. But if I'd learnt anything about the Alpha since I'd moved to this territory, it was that he held none of that in his own heart.

     "I'll take them." I said, looking up at him. He looked at me expectantly and held out a hand. I flinched at the gesture and looked to the ground immediately. I didn't think I'd ever recover from my past, not anytime soon anyway.

      Theo's gaze softened as he withdrew his hand, watching me as I stood wearily. I cleared my throat and gently picked up the medication, tipping the contents into my palm, the glass of water in the other.

     I gulped it all down and Theo nodded once at me, before heading to the door and closing it behind him.

     I closed my eyes and breathed through my nostrils, trying to forget the pills sliding down my throat and poisoning my body again.

     Over this past week, I'd been focusing my concentration and thoughts to reviving my wolf and widening my senses back to full capacity. But looking for the other half of you that you'd lost a long time prior was a lot harder than imagined.

     The first few days were hard. I panicked everyday, worrying for my sanity, for my wolf, and for the happiness I believed I would never retrieve.

      I craved so many things; to find out whom I was, to find out who I could be, and to get vengeance on those who took everything I held dearly, away from me. But of course, my first step was to reconnect with my animal spirit – my wolf.

     I called her, inhaling through my nostrils and exhaling through my mouth. If I could just focus on my mind, on my memories of changing into my other form, I knew I'd be able to contact her.

     A flash of white blurred through my memory and my eyes flung open. I lost my form and almost fell back against the floor. If there were memories in my mind I had sub-consciously closed behind a lock-and-key, then there was definitely a reason I put them there, but unfortunately I knew I had to face these internal fears, before I faced the ones on the outside.

     Frustrated I sighed and helped myself up from the floor, to glide over to the window. There were no clouds today; the sun was a bright beacon in the sky as it shined down on the mass of bodies on the open field outside my room window.

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