May 23rd: Victor

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Victor's day in the body...

For the first time in the past week I've woken in the body, my privates don't feel sore or obviously "used" in some way, shape or form. I'm relieved Vanessa and Zac finally chilled out with all the new relationship intimacy. It made for some very undesired conversations.

Six days earlier...

"Vic!" Zac warmly greets me from his normal spot in chemistry at the back of the room away from his jock friends in the front.

"Hey," I say, slowly (and also awkwardly) lowering myself into my hard wooden chair to avoid any discomfort.

"You okay?" He asks me in a hushed tone while Mr. Fauss writes equations on the board at the front of the classroom.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I mumble between the two of us, "but I guess Miles and Vanessa got together again last night." I sigh and carefully readjust myself in my chair a little bit. Only later do I realize that Zac hasn't spoken in a few minutes and looks awfully disappointed and saddened. "Zac..." I say to him.

"How did you find out?" He asks me somberly, his voice in a low and depressed tone with his eyes cast down at the floor.

"Well," I consider what I'd have to reveal to him about how I feel when Vanessa has had sex the night before, and the fact that Miles is the only person she's seeing (that I know of), then decide to say to him, "I don't think you want to know, to be honest."

"Just tell me," he says monotonous.

"It's pretty graphic." I caution him, praying that he changes his mind and spares us this awkward conversation.

"Say it." He says with complete vacancy of his typical optimism.

"Well, I can usually feel it when they've had sex the night before." I grow very confused as he gives a sigh of relief instead of continuing his sad attitude.

"Oh thank God," He says, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"What?" I ask, frustrated with not knowing what was so funny about the girl he likes getting with her ex. My patience quickly leaving, I say "Why is that 'oh thank God'?" Zac starts laughing and says,


"Zac!" I yell out in irritation, completely forgetting our setting in Chemistry class.

"Gentlemen!" Mr. Fauss yells angrily from his place at the front of the class. "Do I need to separate you two?" He asks us, the annoyance thick in his tone.

"No, sir." Zac replies respectfully.

"Then focus!" He shakes his head in disappointment while turning around and continuing to slowly drag the stick of chalk across the foggy blackboard to make equations appear in front of the class.

"Why are you so relieved?" I ask in a loud, yet hushed tone.

"Because..." he start snickering again before taking a few breaths and saying, "Because Vanessa and I are together. We messed around last night."

Four days earlier...

Physical Education. The big P.E. Notorious for black eyes and bloody noses from the kids who take dodgeball and indoor baseball way too seriously. Significantly different from the happy place for physical improvement the teachers wish it to be; PE class is what many save the "diarrhea" or "period" excuse all day for. I almost pull the cramps card today when I remember that Zac and I share this class together and decide to opt for some friend bonding amid an intense workout. Although I know for a fact that he and Vanessa did something together last night of the sexual variety due to my sore parts and fresh hickies, I decide that some awkwardness between us is better than dealing with a judgmental stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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