Ch. 4

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Annabeth' P.O.V.

Today is the 4th year anniversary since Percy left camp. I don't know why I ever thought Bryce was better man than Percy. He isn't a better anything than Percy. I was such a fool. Not four days after the incident by the beach, I caught Bryce making out with some daughter of Aphrodite. I looked down at the ring he gave me and smiled sadly. He was going to propose to me.

If you hadn't messed up, you would be married by now, my inner voice scolds me.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of that voice and stared at the emerald in the middle of the ring. The green was so similar to Percy's eyes. It was one of the only things I could remember about Percy. All I remember about him are his sea-green eyes, messy black hair, and his crooked smile. I forgot the little glint he had in his eyes when we kissed, or the sound of his laugh, I even forgot the sound of his voice. But I held onto the memory of his face with everything I had. I miss him so much. We know that he isn't dead because Hades said that his soul hasn't entered the underworld. That means he must have been granted some form of immortality somehow.

We've sent out search parties comprised of Hunters and willing demigods. Even the Romans have been eager to help. Since Percy left, the two Camps have been joined together. The Romans and Greeks have never gotten along better then they do now. We've never been more united.

But it's as if Percy has dropped off the face of the earth. He's a ghost and, unfortunately, it seems that he isn't going to be found unless he wants to be found. Even so, I'll never give up. He has to return... He just has to.

"Silence!" thundered Zeus. All Olympians, minor Gods and Goddesses, and immortals were in the throne room. Lord Zeus had just given us the news about a new war. Gaea and the Giants have sided with Kronos and the Titans. And in my perspective, the situation was a lot worse than the gods were letting us know.

Eight months after the end of the second Giant war, all the cabin counselers and I were made immortal. And now we participated in most of the Olympus meetings.   

"We have been offer aid from a powerful ancient entity that predates even the Primordials" Zeus informed us.

Everyone in the throne room gasped (Gods included). I racked my brain for information that I might have read about anything at all that came before the Primordials. There was only one that came to mind. But most don't believe he ever existed. He is believed to be only a legend.

"Lord Chaos, the creator of all, has offered us his help in this upcoming war. For it will certainly be like nothing any of us have ever faced before."

I was right.

A swirling black vortex appeared, and out stepped a man as black as space.

"Hello Children, "he spoke. "I am Chaos.

Immediately, we all dropped to our knees and bowed.. Well I should correct myself, everybody except Bryce bowed.

"Rise, young ones." said Chaos in an gentle voice.

"I offer you part of my army of soldiers, to assist you against the Titans and Primordial Gods. Along with my personal assassin, Warpath" said Chaos.

The campers were in awe.

"We don't need your help!" yelled Bryce. "We can handle this on our own."

"Silence! You ignorant child!" hissed Zeus.

"You might have survived the Titan Wars," said Chaos. "But in this fight, you are outnumbered 100 to 1, as 10,000 monsters, some so old and powerful that they would be able to destroy an Olympian in a matter of seconds. Gaea also enlisted the help of Typhon, who is not an easy opponent to beat."

"How strong is your army, Lord Chaos?" asked Zeus.

"My army is blessed with amplified senses, enhanced strength and agility, and tougher skin as well as harder bones. The weakest soldier is able to defeat any one of the Olympians by him or herself; and as for my assassin, he can defeat the Olympians, Titans, and Typhon without breaking a sweat. My army is the greatest army ever formed and should not be trifled with."

Everyone, except Bryce, gasped. Bryce simply stated, "Then you should have asked me; the greatest warrior ever known."

Nobody spoke, you could have cut the tension with a butter knife. You can't just talk back to the creator of all. Chaos's glare was worse than Hades, now.

Chaos then said, "My army is made of noble warriors, who joined because they wanted to defeat evil across the universe or had nothing in their life. Not ignorant egotistical children, whom have no respect or honor."

"Lord Chaos, if I may ask, why are you helping us?" I asked questioningly.

"I do not like how you Gods have ruled the world," At this the Gods looked down, ashamed that Chaos said they were unfit rulers. "However, the Titans and Primordial Gods would be much worse. Hunting down demigods to extinction, making the humans slaves, and slaughtering anyone who tries to overthrow them."

"We are eternally grateful Lord Chaos. When will they arrive?" My mother asked.

"They will arrive at your demigod camp in a few hours. Until then, I bid you good luck." Chaos finished.

Then he disappeared, into another pitch-black swirling vortex.
Sorry that this is a day late, I'm at a friends house.

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