Ch. 9

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Warpath's P.O.V

I finally decided its time to head over to the dining pavilion for breakfast. I have no doubt in my mind that Bryce is gonna make a scene. I pray that he does...

As I walk over, I notice all eyes are on me. The Gods are all seated at their children's tables, like Athena said.

I pretend like I don't see any of them staring, but of course I do. I just go about my business, preparing some breakfast pretend like I don't notice. I've trained myself to seem very inconspicuous when observing things. It has proven to be very useful in deep cover reconnaissance missions. I see everyone has resumed what they were doing.

Well, mostly everyone. The Ares table is glaring at me which is nothing out of the ordinary.

The Aphrodite table is checking me out. The girls (and some guys) are giggling and looking over me. Even Aphrodite herself looks dumbstruck, staring at me longingly and licking her lips. And is she...drooling? I suddenly look down and notice I still don't have my shirt on and my rippling muscles are on display for everyone. I shrug it off and go about my business, letting them enjoy the show.

I realized I can't really eat anything without taking off my face mask which in no way is ever going to happen.

I glance over at the Athena table and try to make eye contact with Athena. She looks absolutely radiant today. She finally sees me and her jaw practically hits the floor. I just give her a sly wink and go about my business. She just quickly recovers and turns and looks around to make sure nobody sees her flushed face and the schoolgirlish smile playing on her lips. Her face is bright red and she looks like shes trying to fan herself with her hand discretely while taking sips of her water.

That's weird...its not that hot outside.

I sit down and continue about my business when I notice a shadow over me.

Here it comes...

I turn around and who else do I see but Bryce. I look at him amused and say "What do you want fish boy?"

He jabs his finger in my chest and says, "I don't care who you are. I run this place and you'll show me the gods dam respect I deserve."

"Oh look, it can string a sentence together," I replied. I hear some snickering coming from our Chaos table.

"Do you know who I am?!" he asks incredulously.

"An insignificant child with an ego the size of Typhon who likes to pretend he's the greatest thing since the chariot," I said in an a-matter-of-fact way.

I didn't even have to look at any of the other tables to know that they agreed whole-heartedly with that statement.

"I'm the greatest hero that has ever lived, you punk!" he screamed. If you ask me, he's starting to sound a bit desperate in his statements.

"You're a joke," I replied calmly. A chorus of "oohs" could be heard in the background.

His face turned redder than Aphrodite's lips.

"You don't look so tough! I bet I can kick your butt all the way to Tartarus, you weakling!" he replied heatedly.

At that point, the whole entire Chaos table erupted in laughter. Some soldiers even fell over from laughing so hard. That didn't sit well with Bryce.

He yelled "What the heck are you laughing at, you grunts?!"

In between laughs, a soldier replied "Y-You."

More laughter.

"Y-You're a dead man walking and you don't even know it!." The table started laughing even harder.

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