Chapter Three: The Eleventh Hour: Part Three

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 A year. A freaking year. I'm sorry! But do not worry, you won't have to wait a year for updates again. I absolutely promise this time. I do not own Doctor Who or any of its characters. I only own Riley. 

The Doctor looked at his screwdriver, the wall, the girls, then the wall again. "Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. You know what the crack is?"

Riley cocked her head to the side. "What?"

"It's a crack."

The blonde, having been tired all night, nodded and sat on her cot. She laid down, not asleep, but just watching the stranger and her friend.

The Time Lord continued, "But I'll tell you something funny; if you knocked this wall down, the crack would stay put, because the crack isn't in the wall."

Amelia looked up at him with genuine interest. "Where is it then?"

He trailed his hand across the crack, "Everywhere. In everything. It's a split in the skin of the world."

Riley's ears perked up when he said this. She arose and walked to the Doctor. "Really?" She was concerned, but she couldn't stop an excited smile spreading across her face.

He nodded. "Two parts of space and time that should never have touched, pressed together right here in the wall of Amelia's bedroom."

The little girl nodded. "Is this where the voice is coming from?"

The lanky man was about to respond when a booming voice sounded.


"Prisoner Zero has escaped," Riley and Amelia said at the same time.

"Prisoner Zero?" The alien whispered.

"That's what we heard. What does it mean?" The Scot asked.

The Williams toddler whimpered her brother's name quietly when the crack growled. She had been brave, pretending to be when they entered the bedroom, but the growl was her breaking point. The Time Lord glanced at her then Amelia, the older girl appeared to have not heard her.

He went up to Riley and knelt down to her level. "Riley, look at me." He put a hand on her shoulder. He smiled at her gently as she did as she was told. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I won't let anything happen to you or Amelia. Do you believe me?"

She nodded. 'He has the eyes of a father,' she thought.

He grinned like the young man he looked like. "Okay then." The Doctor got up and took the little girl's hand in his. They walked back to Amelia. "Anyways, it means that on the other side of this wall, there's a prison and they've lost a prisoner. And you know what that means?"

Riley spoke up, "What?"

"Amelia needs a better wall. The only way to close the breach is to open it all the way." He looked at the child that clung to his hand like her life depended on it. 'It might actually, now that I think about it,' he said in his head. The floppy haired man turned his head towards Amelia then back to the wall. "The forces will invert and it'll snap itself shut. Or..."

Wide brown eyes met forest green ones when the owner pulled his hand. "Or what, sir?"

"You know when grown-ups tell you that everything's going to be fine and you think they're probably lying to make you feel better?"


"Everything's going to be fine."

Riley put her hand out for her older friend to hold. Grasping the younger's hand, Amelia looked at the thing in the Doctor's other hand. It was silver and blue at the end. He pressed a button on it and a strange noise came out. The crack grew bigger, but didn't touch the bedroom floor. Light flooded the room causing Amelia and Riley to flinch.

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