Chapter One: The Eleventh Hour: Part One

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In Leadworth, England, there was a little girl praying to Santa Claus about sending a police man to look at the crack in her wall. The little girl’s name was Amelia Pond. She was a ginger, you could say, and Scottish. While praying, Amelia kept looking towards a small, portable bed in the corner of her room. A four year old girl, Riley Williams, laid on that bed. She had dirty blonde hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. ’I love her dearly,’ thought Amelia, ’but why did her parents have her stay with me?’

Riley’s parents went on a holiday with her older brother, Rory. The trip was to the country-side and Mr. and Mrs. Williams thought it was best to have Riley stay with someone they trusted. After all, it wouldn’t be much of a holiday if you had a toddler complaining about how bored they were every twelve seconds. Her parents decided to have the child be taken care of my Amelia’s aunt. Amelia’s aunt was out for the moment and that meant that little Amelia had to tend to Riley’s every need. Suddenly, there was a gigantic crashing sound that came from Amelia’s front garden.

Riley woke up shaken. “Amelia, what was that?” She asked with her cute sleepy English accent. Amelia shushed her and went to her bedroom window. She looked out and saw a blue police box. “Thank you, Santa,” she whispered. Amelia grabbed a torch and put a coat over her nightie. “May I come?” Riley asked. Amelia was going to say no, but she saw the hope in Riley’s eyes, “Fine.” 

Riley shrieked in delight and a jumper over her pajama top. She put on her Clifford slippers and stood from the bed. Amelia was waiting for her with an annoyed expression. She really wanted to go see what made that noise. “Done!” Riley shouted and ran out of Amelia’s room and down the staircase. Amelia sighed before running after her.

Once Riley made it outside, she saw the blue box smoking. “Wicked,” she muttered. The box’s doors flew open and a man‘s head popped out. The man had brown hair, green eyes, and had quite the chin. But the man wasn’t human. The man was an alien called a Time Lord and he was from the planet Gallifrey. The man looked to be in his twenties, but he was nine-hundred years old.  “Could I have an apple? All I can think about. Apples. I love apples,” the Time Lord, the Doctor, said noticing Riley, “ Maybe I’m having a craving. That’s new. Never had cravings before.”

The Doctor climbed up the box and sat on the ledge. He whistled as he looked down, “Whoa. Look at that.”

“Are you okay, sir?” Riley asked, clearly concerned about the man.

“Just had a fall. All the way down there, right to the library. Hell of a climb back up.”

“You’re soaking wet, sir.”

“I was in the swimming pool.”

“But sir, you said you were in the library.” 

“So was the swimming pool.”

“Are you a policeman?” Amelia asked the Doctor, appearing behind Riley.

Riley gasped in surprise. The Doctor furrowed his eyebrows at Amelia,

“Why? Did you call a policeman?”

“Did you come about the crack in my wall?”

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