Chapter Five: The Beast Below: Part Two

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Riley looked at the Doctor, grinning at the thought that she and him were on the same page. She blushed heavily when he took her hand again. Liz noticed this and smirked, the Time Lord didn't notice.

"But it's working," he stated. "This ship is travelling through space. I saw it."

Liz's attention was turned back to the floppy haired man. "The impossible truth, Doctor. We're travelling among the stars in a spaceship that could never fly."


"I don't know. There's a darkness at the heart of this nation. It threatens every one of us, Doctor. You're our only hope." She noticed the blonde's fidgeting and knew it was due to Amy being gone. "Your friend is safe, love." She handed her a device from her hood's pocket. "This will take you to her. Now go, quickly!" She pushed them in front of her.

"Who are you? How do I find you again?" The Doctor asked, pulling Riley with him.

"I am Liz Ten, and I will find you."

There was a crashing sound and Riley and the Doctor turned to look. When they faced Liz again, she was gone.


The blonde blew her bangs away from her face as her and the Time Traveler looked for a lift. "Doctor, we've been looking for fifteen minutes. We need to ask someone."

"No!" He turned to her and pointed behind her. "There."


"Found one. Come on." He grabbed her hand once more.

'I could get used to this,' Riley thought as she looked down at their hands. Little did she know, the Doctor was thinking the same thing.


Riley stood up as the door opened, the Doctor joining her. They ran into the room and saw Amy sitting in a chair in front of a screen.

"Amy?" The brown haired alien glanced at the screen as she turned it off. "What have you done?"

Sighing, the younger girl leant against the machine and stared at her friends (she decided to call him that since they were going to be travelling together). "Doctor, what are you doing?"

He sat in the chair, after Amy went to join Riley, and soniced the lamp above. "Yeah, your basic memory wipe job. Must have erased about twenty minutes." He jumped to his feet.

The redhead clutched onto her blonde friend's hand tightly. "But why would I chose to forget?"

"Cos everyone does. Everyone chooses the 'forget' button," Mandy, the little girl from earlier, spoke up.

Riley had forgotten that she was there and gasped. The Doctor smirked:

"She's jumpy."

She glared at him. "Piss off."

He shook his head, the smirk still on his face. "Mandy, did you press the button?"

She shook her head. "I'm not eligible to vote yet. I'm twelve. Anytime after after you're sixteen, you're allowed to see the film and make your choice. And then, once every five years-"

Riley cut her off with a scoof. "And once every five years, everyone chooses to forget what they learned. Democracy in action."

The Doctor looked at the monitor. "Exactly."

"How do you not know about this?" Mandy asked him. "Are you Scottish too?"

"Oh, I'm way worse than Scottish. I can't even see the movie," he answered. "Won't play for me."

The Scot went to stand next to him, the Williams girl with no choice but to follow. "It played for me."

"The difference being the computer doesn't accept me as human."

"Why not? You look human."

He looked at her. "No, you look Time Lord. We came first."

"Are there others?" Riley asked quietly.

"No." He glanced at her sadly. She reminded him of his...late wife. "There were, but there aren't... Just me now. Long story. There was a bad day. Bad stuff happened. And you know what? I'd love to forget it all, every last bit of it, but I don't." He sighed as the girl hung her head, feeling guilty for bringing up this subject. "Not ever. Because this is what I do, every time, every day, every second. This. Hold tight." Riley lifted her head and grabbed onto his hand. "We're bringing down the government."

He pressed the protest button and the door closed, leaving just him and the two girls. The smiler in the corner of the room turns his face to a scowl. The floor opened up revealing a long drop. "Say whee!"

Riley did with glee while Amy screamed.

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