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"Mommy lets go play!", a little child exclaimed. The little child, with a ball in her arms, went over to the older women.

"Ok Kathryn, mommy will play, but then I have to go to work, so you have to stay at nana's house" the little girl mother said.

"Ok mommy" the little girl smiles.

The two of them toss the ball back and forth. "Ok honey we need to get going hun" the mother said.

"Ok mommy" the little girl said. They got into the car and drove over to the young girl's grandmother's house. "Hey mommy what are giants my friends were talking about them at school", the girl questioned.

The mother's face went pale and the atmosphere was tense. Then the woman smiled, " They're nothing dear just be quiet until we get nana's"

The girl tilted her head in confusion but then whispered an okay. The ride was silent for the rest of the way to the grandma's house. They pulled up to a white house and they both stepped out of the car. " Okay hun I'll be back around three okay?" the mother said to the child.

"Okay mommy!" the girl said. The girl walked in the house and went into the living room. "Hello, nana are you home?" the girl yelled. There was no answer so the girl laid on the couch and fell asleep.

The girl woke up to the sounds of loud sirens blaring in her ears. The girl remembered a long time ago that her mom told her to go into the cellar if they heard anything like that. The girl ran outside to the cellar. That was the first time the girl had ever saw a giant. She watched as the giant destroyed buildings. The girl rush into the cellar and locked the door and hid in the corner. Suddenly the house is ripped off the cellar and everything went black.

I woke up screaming and crying, ever since that day four years ago I have had that same nightmare. I have never seen my mom again and I don't even know if she is alive. I was the only survivor of our town and I don't know how that even happened. I look out the orphanage window, tomorrow is the day that I have been dreading, tomorrow I'm assigned a family of giant.

The giants and the humans signed a peace treaty that ended the war. Now we are "equal" to each other and have the same rights. Giant criminals are charged the same as the humans and also humans have the right to any jobs the giants can have. It's still not safe for humans though so a family or an orphan is assigned to a giant's household, but some orphans are aloud to stay in the orphanage. That's only for the good kids not like me, I always get in trouble at least once a day.

I mostly get in trouble for hiding when a giant comes to adopt a child. No one really wants an eight year old around here, but giants are different they like children that already know the dangers of living with them. Now the stupid assignment law has past to make sure rebels don't kill any humans. Giants are only assigned one orphan so they're not forcing to many children on them, they have to get permission before assigning a family though.

I was thinking about running away, but that means I would have to face the giants any way. The truth is I haven't been outside since I was four and the only memory I've have of that is my town being destroyed. I still don't know all the details.

Suddenly moonlight from my window was blocked out, i expected it to be cloudy ,but when I looked over I saw a giant face in my window. I saw his bright blue eyes staring at me, I could tell he was crouch down and my bedroom was at the fourth floor (which was the top floor). I was frozen with fear,I finally found my voice and I screamed, I screamed louder than I ever had before.

"Woah!" the giant said startled as he fell backwards. As soon as I felt the 'thump' I took that chance to run into my closet. I felt something wet on my cheek and then I realized I was crying. Soon I got tired, I hope I will be safe here I thought right before I let darkness consume me.

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