Chapter 2

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     I awoke to the orphanage shaking. I was scared, I pray that it wasn't that giant from earlier. Praying didn't help the results, I already knew it was him and I knew I had to leave. I wait in suspense as I hear foot steps heading up the stairs hoping it wasn't Sam telling me it's time to go. The foot steps echo they finally reached their destination, right outside my door. The door opens to reveal Sam on the other side.

     "It's time to go Kathryn, for real this time." said Sam. She said them, the words I so long despised. I was filled with so much fear I could barely move.

     "Ok" I replied. I wanted to say more, but what authority does an eight year old really have. If saying 'no' would get me out of this i wouldn't have had to worry about this in the first place. we made our way down the stairs, we finally reach the bottom. It felt like forever before we reached outside.

     There he was standing there with my luggage literally in his hand. He grinned at me, I flinched as I see his sharp teeth. He knelt down and held his hand out to me like I was going to walk into it. I scurried behind Sam. " I am deeply sorry for her behavior sir", Sam apologized.

     He looked disappointed for a second, but the he went back to his big smile. "It's to be expected I guess, you did warn me of her fear." he stated. He then motioned me to follow him, I was worried about how I had no idea what he is thinking. This could be all a game to him, any minute he could turn around and squash me. I let these thoughts fly through my brain for about twenty minutes. 

     We finally  reach the giant's house, he then turned around to face me and knelt down. " Well, This is my home, but there is something I need to tell you", He rubbed the back of his neck trying to find his words. " you see, I live with my whole family, and if we want to get technical my parents adopted you, but only because I didn't own a licence to adopt a human."  He panicked a little as he said that sentence.

     I was in shock, even though it was common for giant families to live in the same home due to the land shortages in the giant district. I thought I was going to die with just one, but now who knows how many. I mustered up the courage to ask. "How many people are there?" I questioned.

     He looked shocked for a minute that I spoke, but he soon recovered. "Well my mom, dad, older sister, older brother, and my younger brother who is about your age, I think." he informed. I was terrified I had to live six giants and one was a kid like me, I hope I don't be seen as a toy for him. Apparently he saw me trembling, so he tried to ease my nerves ,even though he was part of the problem. " They're all excited to meet you and they're all really nice" he assured.

     I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, to say the least I felt numb. Suddenly I let out a shriek as I am hoisted up into the air by the red haired giant. I didn't even have time to think before he rushed up the porch and inside. The smell of cinnamon and pine filled my nose as we reached inside. I then remembered, I was in the hands of a giant. " Put me down!" I screamed. 

      "shhh I'm sorry, but please don't scream anything, but that shhh" He whispered. I started to bawl in his hand, I heard footsteps rushing towards us. Suddenly five people enter the room, the two women run up to us. I am suddenly taken from the red haired giants grasp and sat on the table by the younger woman. 

     The older lady raised her hand and hit the back of his head. " What did you do this time? didn't we tell you to be gentle?" the lady questioned.

     "All I did was pick her up I swear" He answered frantically. Covering his head with his hands to block himself from being hit by her again .

     "Then why is she crying?" she asked.

     "because she's scared of giants" he said still protecting his head. The lady huffed, then turned towards me with a gentle smile. I see the other people out of the corner of my eye make their way further into the room. The red haired giant finally moved his hand back down to his sides, as a result the oldest man hit him upside the head.

     The older lady approached me still wearing that gentle smile. "It's okay no one is going to hurt you she" she coos. I soon calm down, this woman was less scary than the rest.  "There we go sunshine, all better?" she asked softly. I nodded, for some reason I trust this woman, she actually treats me like a kid.

     When I got to the orphanage People stopped treating me like a kid because of the things I saw. I hated it all the other kids my age got to act like it, but for some reason I was one of the few forced to grow up. I missed that look that the giant gave me that's a look that haven't seen in a long time. It was a soft look mixed with innocence and adoration, the last time I seen that look was that day everything went bad.

      "Well I think it's time to introduce ourselves, my name is Trisha" she stated and gave me a smile.

     "My name is Kathryn" I said quietly. She smiled even wider showing her teeth, I flinch. She notices that and makes the smile a little smaller. 

     The younger woman steps up and smiles " Hello my name Jaki and I'm the oldest" she states cheerfully.

     "Yeah only by fifteen minutes" some one mutters. A guy steps up he is taller than the red head and the other man in the room to say the least he was the most intimidating. His face was emotionless as he walked up to me. " My name is Payne and I'm Jaki's twin brother" he said in a dull tone. 

     Jaki lean toward me a little and whispers "that's the happiest I've seen him all week." the mother nods in agreement. I glance at him again, he still wore that emotionless expression. Okay so not only is this family all made of giants, they were all crazy to. I played it safe slowly backing up while I was nodding, soon I turn around and sprint trying to escape. I forgot I was on a table until I reach the edge. I tried to back up, but I slipped and fell instead. 

     Wow who could of guessed I would have fell to my death instead of getting crushed. I was enveloped by something warm, look up to see the older man had caught me. "Woah there kit that's dangerous," he warned. 'kit' I wonder where he got that from. I was set back on the table, I watched as the man rose up to his full height. "My name is papa or daddy" he states cheerfully. I watched as Trisha hits him upside the head and drags him into a corner, they start whispering. All I heard was 'don't' and 'pressure', they make they're way back over . The man clears his throat,"My name is Chester" He says disappointed. Trisha Glares at him then Chester puts both hands where she can see them. 

     Next was the red haired guy, he stepped forward I took a couple steps back. He notices this and a look of disappointment crosses his face. "My name is Issac," he gave me a sad smile. I gave him a small smile, I think these are good giants, at least for now. Issac's face lit up up and gave me a bigger smile, but he still isn't showing his teeth.

     The very last one was a kid, according to Issac he is about my age. The kid look down at me with a curious expression, almost like he was studying me, his face soon broke into a smile. "I am your new big brother, my name is Kaleb and I'm eight years old," he says proudly. He reaches out his hands and grabs me. I panicked, of course I knew I was only going to be a toy for an eight year old. The Kaleb did something unexpected he gently caresses me to his chest. I was shocked it felt nice and warm though, just for a moment i forgot all my worries about being killed by the giants.

     "Kaleb!" Trisha shrieks. "you have to ask for permission first," she scolded. 

     "Oops. I'm sorry," he said sheepishly. he then sat me back down on the table.

     I look around the room and took everything in. These people are my new family and they're giants. Believe it or not I think I might trust them at least for now


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