Chapter 3

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     "Okay Kathryn, why don't we show you to your room so you can get some rest before dinner," Trisha suggested. I nodded in agreement, she puts her hand down so I could climb in it. She gave me a reassuring smile, I hesitantly make my way into her hand. She slowly raises her hand into the air, you know how people always say don't look down, well they're right. As soon as I looked down I felt my stomach drop. Trisha looks at me worriedly, I ignored her, I'm only focus on they Height below me. 

     Finally she started walking Into the hall way, then she kneels down by a human sized door. This was also not uncommon Every home was built with a human living area that consist of usually more than one bedroom and a bathroom. She lowers her hand down to the door, I stumbled off of her hand. Trisha gives me another worried look, again I ignore it and walk into the human living area with my luggage. I make my way down a hall until I saw a room that caught my eye, the room had teddy bear wallpaper. I smiled, because of the resemblance to my teddy. I dig through my bag to look for teddy, but he wasn't there. 

     I panicked it was the only thing left of my old life and I had no idea where he was. Then I remembered I left him on the bed in the orphanage. I had to get him back no matter what, I need him he's my only friend I have. I cracked the door open leading back to the giant living area, I peeked out the door to make sure I wouldn't get caught. 

     When I saw no one near, I made my way to the front door. I then heard voices coming from what I am assuming is the living room . I sneak a look into the room I see everyone gather around talking. "I know we just met, but I hope she'll be able to see us as family soon," said Chester.

      "Just give her time honey no one makes any progress in a day" Trisha replied.

     "Yeah dad just wait a while I'm sure she'll come around" Jaki said cheerfully.

      I decide I better get going so I don't get caught, it's not like I'm trying to escape I just need my teddy. I scurried past the room, finally I made it to the door. I went through the human door and shut it quietly, it may not seem like it but giant have extremely good hearing. I start my journey it was already dark outside and I could even see my hand in front of me. I soon arrived at the orphanage twenty minutes later, I knock loudly on the door. I hope Sam won't be that angry. The door swung open revealing Sam, she looked terrible like she was in a panic. She had one shoe and one slipper on her hair was half straight half frizzy.

     " Kathryn thank goodness you're okay!" Sam exclaimed. She pulled me into a hug, I haven't seen her this worried ever. " Your adoptive parents called and said you were gone" She explained.

     "I'm sorry, but I forgot teddy" I apologized. I'm surprised they noticed I was gone so fast I guess they heard the door shut.

     "Okay well go get your teddy bear then come to the kitchen I have a phone call to make," She ordered. I nodded and made my way upstairs to my old room. I guess she's going to call them to say I'm okay. Once I entered I looked around the empty room, it felt weird knowing I don't live here anymore. 

     I saw my teddy bear laying on the bed, so I went over there to grab it. I decided to lay down for a minute, I mean a minute won't hurt right? I'm so tired, My eyes felt heavy I slowly fall asleep.

     "Mommy lets go play!" a little child exclaimed. Oh no not this dream again, you have to wake up Kathryn. I see the mother play with the child, tossing the ball back and forth.

     "Okay honey we need to get going" the mother said.

     "No don't go you won't come back!" I screamed, but they couldn't hear me. "please!" I begged. I watched helplessly as they enter the car and drive off. I suddenly appeared at a different house, the sirens that signal a giant attack was blaring. I see the little girl head outside to the cellar, I go with her. She stop to look at the giant destroying buildings in the city, I see fear and sadness fill her eyes. I look over at the giant, I remember now, that's the hospital that mom worked at. The giant threw the building to the ground. The little girl rushes into the cellar hoping she'll be safe. I go with her, suddenly the house is torn off the cellar. 

     Suddenly the giant disappears, me and the little girl surrounded by rubble. I don't know why, but she goes over to a pile that was once was her grandma's house. She grabs something for it, I approach her to see what it was. She had a teddy bear, It only had one button eye and was all dirty.

      "Hello my name is Kathryn" she told the teddy bear. "Will you be my friend?"

     "Kathryn come down here!" I awoke to Sam screaming. I felt something warm on my face, I didn't even know I was crying. I grabbed my teddy bear and made my way down stairs. "Okay Kathryn I told your family you're on your way back" Sam said. I looked at the clock and realized I had been asleep only for twenty minutes. I nodded and headed back to my new home.

     I wondered how I was going to explain why I went back to the orphanage. I sort of feel bad for leaving without saying a word. Finally I reached the giant district, I only had just a block away. "what do we have here? A little toy?" asked a deep voice teasingly. I was suddenly lifted up in front of two golden eyes.

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