Chapter One

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     The next day I woke up in the closet, my neck and back were stiff because of my position. I peeked out my closet door toward the windows, nothing was there. Then I slowly crawled out and went under my bed and I looked to the left and the right, even though there isn't any windows there. I crawled out of the small space and made a gun shape with my hands humming the batman theme song, I whipped around towards my teddy bear "BANG!" I yelled. My teddy bear fell over, sadly not because I shot it. It felt like an earthquake which usually means a giant is here.

     "Kathryn get down here right now, it's time to leave!" Sam yelled. Sam is the person that owns the orphanage, but that's a different story. I realized I didn't even pack my bags, I hesitantly open my drawer. There was nothing in there, where is my stuff I need my stuff. Then reality hit me like a ton, I really was moving out and there was nothing I could do about it.

     I felt like crying the slightest freedom I had was taken away from me, now I have to live with the very beings that killed off my family. " Come on Kathryn we don't have all day" Sam Yelled, this time she was close enough to bang on the door. I breathed in and out, then walked out of the room. Sam walked behind me so I couldn't run away, I slowly walked down the stairs I felt Sam at my heel so I went a little faster.

     We reached the down stairs, we had to go outside because no giant could fit in here. It felt like one of those nightmares that no matter what you do you can never reach the door it just keeps getting farther away. Finally we reached the door and we went outside, I saw a Giant couple with a young child that looked around four or five. " Mommy I want to hold the human" the little girl squealed.

     "Ok Lizz, but be gentle" the mother said.

     I tried to run back, but Sam was still behind me, so I guess the only way is forward. The little girl dipped down to pick me up, I rushed forward though her hands, but her hands caught my hair. Luckily her hands loosened up enough for me to run between her legs, the parent then tried to grab me, but I was already past the before they realized I was running.

      I can't believe it I'm free, I don't have to worrying about giants anymore. I felt a burst of happiness and started to run faster trying to get away from this place as soon as I can.

      Suddenly I ran into a tree and fell down, I looked up at the tree but I soon regretted it. There stood a giant at 170 ft. he had bright red hair, looked like he was in his early 20's, and familiar blue eyes. He smiled and showed his sharp teeth." Hello little one" said quietly so he wouldn't hurt my ears.

      I tried to crawl away, but I was to slow, I felt warmth wrap around my body. Before I realized it I was in his hands, I felt my heart pound with fear and I started to cry. "Hush now little one you're okay" he cooed. I cried even harder, then I heard him sigh as he started walking. He made sure not to jostle me around his hand.

       Before I realized it we were back at the orphanage, I even more fear if that was possible. "Excuse me, but can you give us that child she has been assigned us" said the man from the family earlier.

       "No, I am adopting her" The red hair giant said firmly. The couple and I looked at him in shock, then realized he was being completely serious.

     "You can't do that! This child is going to bring in the money we need" the women screeched.

      "What?" The giant said with irritation laced in his voice. I looked up and saw his face turned hard, he looked even scarier than earlier. I started to shake, he noticed this and then looked down realizing he was scaring me his face softened. "listen I'm just here to fill out the papers and get out of here with this lovely little girl and you're only foster parents anyway she is still up for adoption even with you I'm just speeding up the process" He stated.

     "You don't even know what you're doing, you look like a child your self. It could be dangerous for the young child" the husband debated.

     "I'm 22 I can legally take care of her and she will be much more safer with me than with that child of yours" he pointed out. The two of them argued back and forth for about ten minutes.

      "Gentlemen lets stop this conversation now" Sam said,"I agree with this gentleman, if he is going to adopt her you are no longer needed, now unless you want to adopt a child please leave"

      The family reluctantly left, with the little girl screaming. " I want the human now! Mommy get me the human, it's not fair!". I shivered as I realized all I was to that little girl was a toy, a lifeless being that has no other purpose than to be played with.

     I then remember I was being held by the red-haired giant and I looked up at him. I felt like I was going throw up I grabbed my stomach, I did the unthinkable, I got sick on the giant's hand. I'm so dead after this, I guessed I have lived my life. Mostly running into the trees in the court yard......and falling down the stairs, but it's still living. I suddenly felt something on my back, I realized the giant was patting my back. Why is he doing this he is supposed to mean and vicious, but why is he being so nice? I looked at him with teary eyes, "Are you okay?" he asked concerned. I sat there frozen not knowing what to do so I just gave a slight nod.

      "Well I'm going to wash my hands in they nearby giant center after that I'm going to adopt you if that's ok" he asked. I just sat there staring at the floor knowing I have no choice, because the other family got chase away. I heard him sigh and walked away.

      I hope he isn't coming back, I don't want to live with a giant ever. "So I'm finally getting rid of you" Sam chuckled.

"he's not coming back" I murmured.

"why do you say that he was very determined earlier" she wondered.

      "I'm scared I'm gonna get hurt, he's so big he can easily kill me if he wished" I state.

     "you're to young to be worrying about that, most kids your age are happy to be adopted no matter the species" She said.

     "You sound like you're been talking about an animal" I pointed out.

     "Not the point, you should give him a chance, giants aren't the same as they were a couple of years ago" she reasoned. I guess she had a point, they're not the same as they were during the giant war. They don't hurt humans they do something worse, they treat them like pets even though we're supposed to be "equal".

      "so who got adopted today" I changed the subject.

    "Well Charlie left with his new family this morning, He told me to say bye for him" She smiled.

      "Thanks, I guess I will go upstairs and sleep I didn't get any sleep last night" I said.

     "But that guy is going to come back any second" Sam debated.

     "He's not coming just forget it" I yelled. I ran up the stairs all the way to my room. I laid in my bed and stared at the wall, I wait about five minutes before falling asleep. I knew he wasn't coming back not that I wanted him to, there's no way I'll ever live with a giant, after all they destroyed my family ,that was my last thought before falling asleep.

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