Chapter 1: Twins

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Chapter 1

The curse was coming in the Enchanted Forest while Snow White was giving birth to two baby girls Emma and Evelyn
Emma was the first born so she was the one who was destined to break the curse but the wardrobe could only take two so Snow decided that Charming would go with Emma and Snow would stay with Evelyn
Charming and Emma left in the wardrobe and back in the Enchanted Forest Snow finished giving birth and Blue came and stopped the curse and Blue locked Regina up in a hidden room in the castle but told Snow she was executed
Since the curse was stopped the kingdom rejoiced but Snow was upset since she lost her first born daughter and her husband
Meanwhile Charming landed in the real world with Emma, Charming was pretty lost in this new world but found an abandoned home and lived in it till he found a good job and then he bought a house and raised Emma
Both Charming and Snow decided to keep what happened a secret

(13 years later Emmas pov)

"Emma are you ready for camp" my dad calls "its in Ohio so we have to leave" he calls and i grab my suitcase and grab my beanie and run down the stairs and hop in the car with my dad

"You excited for camp" he asks

"Yeah I am" I say smiling and we continue talking and many hours later we arrive and i go to my cabin and put on my camp outfit then put my stuff in the drawers layed out and Abigail my camp best friend runs in

"Emma" she yells hugging me and i laugh and smile

"Are you in this cabin" I ask and she nods and i smile then i help her put her stuff away and i here a knock on the door and a girl walks forward who looks identical to me the hair,the face, the body, everything was the same my jaw dropped and so did Abigail as she took a step closer to us

"Hi um im Evelyn" she says "you look exactly like me" she says with a smile

"I know" I say "where did you come from?" I ask

"Um i live nearby" she says "with my mom" she says

"Oh i live with my dad hours away" I say

"What is your birthday" she says and i say mine "that is mine too!" She says and we both look at each-other still in shock

"You guys are probably twins!" This is so cool" Abigail says

"Why didn't my Dad tell me" I say

"I have no idea my mom didn't tell me either" she says

"What if we switch places after camp is over" I say "do you have a phone so we could stay in contact" I ask

"I dont have a phone" she says

"Here is a walky talky" I say handing it to her "i have one too so we can contact each-other" i say then she nods and we go outside of our cabin for the camp activities

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