Chapter 16: Realizations

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Chapter 16

  I walk in to the castle and see Bae but keep walking and go past to Rumple

"Ahh what are you doing here Princess Emma" he says

"Quit the crap some kind of spell was used on me everything in my life is different" I say and he looks at me

"This magic is non existent" he says "well it was but now its gone" he says

"My magic is gone now" I say

"You must of accidentally acted on your magic and caused an alternate universe" He says

"Can you fix it" I say

"Maybe" he says "but it will cost you" he says

"I already made a deal with you" I say "wont you forget" I say

"I will consider this a favor" he says and undoes my spell and i wake up and run to Killian's room

"Hey are you better after all the stuff that happened" Killian says

"I realize things could be worse and you all care for me" I say

"Finally you realize" he says with a laugh and we start kissing and Evelyn comes in

"Really" she says as we kiss and we then stop and she clears her throat

"Okay,okay" I say laughing and running over and hugging her "im so happy to see you" I say and then we go to lunch and I see Mom and Dad

"Emma are you okay?" They ask and i hug them

"Im fine" I say "im perfect" I say and we all eat and everything finally felt amazing but i knew it wasn't ending any time soon

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