Chapter 11: The innocent one

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Chapter 11

"Emma is the one of innocence she is destined to be in your sisterhood and she has a lot of magic she will kill you" Zelena says and Glinda gulps

"Fine here is your pendant" Glinda says

"Dont give it to" I begin to say but Zelena covers my mouth and takes the pendant and puts it on and she transports us out and to her castle

" its time" Zelena says

"Please no" I say and she stops me from talking taking my voice

"Ah now some peace and quiet" She says "i have to take off your bracelet to give the magic to me" she says

"If you try anything i can beat you" she says and takes the cuff off and begins to do a spell to take my magic
  and she takes off the necklace to do the spell and sets it infront  of her i see she is next to a window and use my magic to make her fall out the window then I look down at her body and I go to Glinda because I don't know how to get home

"Dont hurt me" she says and i mouth to help me "she took away your voice" she says

"I dont have enough magic to fix it but i can send you home but you were a member of the sisterhood you could stay" she says and i shake my head a little "very well home you shall go" she says and waves a wand over me and i end up in the castle and my family runs towards me

"What happened!" My dad said "We were trying to find you but couldn't anywhere" he says and i try to talk but nothing comes out

"Emma whats wrong with your voice" Killian says

"Emma" Evelyn asks

"How do we fix this" my mom says and Rumple flashes in

"I will help you dearie just drink this" he says holding out a cup and i look at him glaring "ha that was a test, and come to my castle later" he says poofing the cup away and making me talk again then leaving

"Zelena took me and left Regina there and she tried to take my magic but i pushed her out of the tower using my magic" I say

"Thank god your okay" my mom says

"Yeah im a little shaken but im fine" I say and a few hours pass that seem like a blur and i go to Rumple's castle

"Hello dearie" Rumple says

"Hi" I say

"My favor is i want you to date my son he really likes you" he says

"I have a boyfriend... Your son is great though but no" I say

"No isn't an answer we made a deal your lucky im not making you marry him... Well i might eventually" he says "if you know whats good for you and your family you will give my son a chance and if he kisses you, you kiss back" he says and brings his son in and i am forced to go on a date

"So Emma i heard what happened im really sorry" Bae says

"Oh yeah thanks" I say

"So i was thinking we could go to the village" he says

"Okay" I say and we go to the village and go to a bakery and he pays for me

"So i heard you had a twin" he says

"Yeah Evelyn" I say

"Hopefully i never get you mixed up" he says with a laugh

"Yeah" I say and we continue talking for a while then we arrive at the castle and he leans in for a kiss and I reluctantly kiss and we end up kissing for a few minutes until he pulls away

"Bye Em can we hang out tomorrow" he says and smiles and i smile back then transport myself to the castle

"You were gone for a while" Evelyn says

"So what was the favor" Killian says

"Oh um he just wanted me to use my magic for something" I say

"Emma are you lying" she says and I give her a glare

(The next day)

  I get a bath and put on a light blue sparkly dress that has long sleeves and has lace on the bodice
"I have to go to a magic lesson" I say and they nod and i transport myself to the village and meet Bae at the village and we just walk around      
  Then I sit down next to Bae and eat lunch and Bae kisses me and I awkwardly kiss him too and after we are done he goes back to his Dad's castle and i transport to mine and soon Killian and Evelyn come in the room
"Emma" Evelyn says "i cant believe you!" She says

"What?" I ask

"Your cheating on me" Killian says and my face goes pale

"Killian im sorry Rumple forced me to date his son that was his favor he threatened me and my family and he purposely said if he kisses you kiss him back i told him i had a boyfriend he didn't care!" I say loudly and frustrated

"But you could have said no" he says

"How i almost died a few days ago" I say "its the dark one what was i suppoed to do" I say "i have to date him i have no choice" I say

"Then i guess we're done" He says and leaves and i cry in my bed for hours upon hours

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