Chapter 8: Oz

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Chapter 8
Emma's POV

I yawn and look up at Killian looking at me and sit up and close the book in my arms

"What happened" I ask

"You fell asleep" he says

"Oh" I say yawning "did you find anything" I ask

"Just the sisterhood is witches of the south, north, east, and west which is the witch you would be destined to be since the others are taken, it represents innocence " he says

"Two problems... one im not a witch and two i have never even lived in Oz" I say

"One you have magic so technically you are and you don't have to be from Oz you just have to be in Oz" he says

"So I definitely go to Oz or the prophecy wouldn't exist" I say sighing

"I guess" he says with a sad expression

"Lets take a break" I say and we go to the kitchen and eat and i look up and see Evelyn and my dad

"I decided to come early" Evelyn says and my dad looks around shocked

"What? Why are we here" he says and looks up to see my mom and they have a hug and have a deep kiss for a while

"How did this happen" he asks

"Me and Evelyn switched places im Emma and she is Evelyn" I say and he looks at us shocked and he hugs me

"This is so great" my mom says "i have both of my girls here" she says and they sit and we eat dinner and we explain whats going on without talking about Rumple

"Who are you?" My dad asks looking at Killian

"Im Killian, Emma's girlfriend" he says

"Your dating Emma" he says with a serious tone

"Dad lay off" I say chuckling and soon we finish dinner and my parents catch up well i go to my room with Killian and Evelyn

"so how did you find out all that Oz stuff" she says

"From books" I say

"Were twins" She says "i know your lying"

"Fine dont tell Mom or Dad but i contacted Rumpelstiltskin" I say

"What" she says raising her voice

"Yeah and apparently im destined to be in a sisterhood in Oz" I say

"The one of witches" she says

"Yes..." I say "im supposed to be killed also in Oz" I say

"Why wouldn't you tell Mother and Father" she says

"I didn't want them to worry im trying to stop this before it starts" I say

"Emma you can't keep this all a secret" she says "i know" I say and Rumple shows up and we all jump a little

"Ahh i see Princess Evelyn is back" he says and i can see my sister getting very nervous

"What are you doing here" I ask

"Well dearie its time for our magic lesson" he says

"Your taking magic lessons from the dark one! Emma are you insane" Evelyn says

"I tried to stop her" Hook mumbles and i roll my eyes at both of them

"I will be back" I say

"Emma you are literally insane" she says

"We made a deal i well be back" I say and he transports us to his castle and Bae is in the room

"I will be back" he says "i need go go find my magic book" he says and i stand there awkwardly with Bae

"So what was the deal for" he says

"Well Long story short im destined to die in Oz because im destined to be in a sisterhood of witches which blue thinks she belongs in" I say "well thats what Rumple says" I say

"Ah you have magic" he says

"Yes do you?" i ask

"Oh no" he says "what did you give in return you know for the deal" he says

"A favor and magic lessons" I say

"Your giving the dark one a favor" He says "are you insane" he says

"What could he possibly use me for" i say

"You would be surprised" he says and i nod "we should hang out sometime Emma" he says and starts to lean in for a kiss but Rumple comes in and Bae pulls away

(2 hours later)

"Very good Emma" he says

"After you have defeated Blue and Regina i figured out my favor" he says

"You think i will beat them" I ask and he nods "and whats the favor" I ask

"You will see" he says smirking "see you tomorrow" he says

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