Chapter 1

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Nico's POV

It's been a year since the war with Gaia and I have changed quite a lot since then. Allow me to explain, you see, after the war with Gaia I told Percy Jackson about my crush on him, while he took it quite well, the rest of the people at Camp did not. So I vowed never to live in any of the Camps. I wanted to keep my vow to not live in any of the Camps, so I fled. I went out into the mortal world and started my life agian. I am currently in Porcupine High School and it's summer break. Usually I would be somewhere with my friends, Alex, Jace and Isabelle, but today, whilst I was staring at my reflection in the mirror I decided that it's time to face my fears and go back. I must admit, my appearance has changed for the better. I am taller, more muscular and my eye colour seems to have changed to light blue and my attitude has also changed for the better. Now I have a theory for the eye changing thing, my theory is that when I was depressed and insecure my eye colour was black but the happier and more confident I become the lighter my eyes turn. Just a theory, though.

My friends are all going on a trip to Paris, but I told them I already have plans, and that's the truth! I do have plans. I just can't tell them what the plans are. But no matter, I have packed my bags, I am ready to go back to the judgemental depths of Camp Half-blood.

Hazel's POV

I was sitting in the Hades cabin, in front of the bed he used to sleep in. I wonder if he is okay, if he is still alive. Looks like I will never know. It's been a year and I haven't seen a trace of my brother. Honestly I didn't know that the people at Camp Half-blood were bulling my brother, if I did I would have marched up to all of them and stuck a sword up their butts! But when I found out it was too late my brother was already gone,and by the time I got to Camp Half-blood to fulfil my threat, Jason, Percy, Will, Leo and Reyna, were already doing it for me. We spent 5 months looking for him, we even searched the Underworld. But he was nowhere to be found. I miss him. I miss his rude and tough demeanour. I missed how he would always listen to me rant about my problems even though he had bigger ones. I miss my brother. But it looks like he is never coming back.

I ran out of the Hades cabin with tears running down my face, something that happens to often nowadays. I stopped running, right in the middle of Camp Half-Blood and I looked around me. It seems as if no-one was happy. The campers marched around with their heads hung low in shame, their shoulders sagging, their hairs long as they didn't bother to cut it, they were too busy letting the guilt eat them up. Just like it should. My brother was nothing but polite to them. It's their fault he's gone. They should have left, not him! Not my brother.

Before I could fall to my knees and cry, a pair of muscular arms caught me. I looked up, hoping it was my brother. It wasn't. Frank, my ex-boyfriend, looked down at me, tears in his eyes at the brink of falling down his face.

Frank's POV (sorry about all the POV changes I just want to capture everyone's view of the situation)

As I looked down at Hazels beautiful face, the tear stains running down her cheek broke me. At that very moment I could hear my heart shattering. I wanted to tell her that everything was alright, that we would find him, that I would find him. But I knew it was pointless, Nico has had years of training and was a master of hiding. If he wanted it, I wouldn't be able to find him if I was next to him. I was useless.

I could almost hear my tears splashing onto the ground. Not only that, but I also missed the guy, he was almost like a brother to me. Even after Hazel broke up with me, after I kissed another girl, he was still kind to me. He did not hurt me, bully me or even insult me. He just made sure me and Hazel were never in the same room together, for that would be very awkward. He tried to fix our problem, even though he had his own problems, and he did, me and Hazel are now friends and can hang around each other with no awkwardness at all. He helped us. But when he was the one that needed help, where were we. Nowhere to be found. I feel like crap. It's our fault, we could have realised it sooner, we could have checked up on him. We could have done ANYTHING! But we did nothing.

Jason's POV (Contains Self-Harm)

I was in the bathroom. I locked the door and picked up the knife and started cutting,


I told him to do it, I encouraged him. I told him to come out of the closet. He did, he trusted my judgement and look where it got him.


Why did I have to make him do it how could I have been so STUPID!


At least I don't have to worry about him hating me because he is obviously never coming back.


And who's fault is that OH RIGHT! ITS MINE.


I should have protected him, from everyone. I should have known.

Ruiner of lives

I don't even know if he is okay now, he could be dead.

Your fault

All because of me.

Look what you did

It should have been me.

You deserve to die

Just as I was about to pick up the knife and drive it through my heart, I heard a whistle so loud, the whole camp heard it. I bandaged my cuts, hid them then ran out of my cabin. I almost fainted.

Standing right there at the gates was possibly the most beautiful human being in the world. He was tall, tan and lean. He had eyes that reminded me of the most beautiful diamonds, his hair was jaw-length and Raven black. His clothes were rebel-like. He had a black T-shirt with skulls on it, that complemented his toned chest and muscular arms nicely. He had skin tight black jeans that fit perfectly he also had a tattoo creeping out of his leather jacket. Lastly he had a...skull ring, on his finger. That's impossible. It can't be.

Could it possibly be Nico di Angelo?

Nico's POV ( This is the last one, promise)

It was awkward, everyone standing there looking at me like I was a completely different species.

"Hey guys, it's me, Nico di Angelo. Son of Hades. The gay dude."

Hey there guys! So this is the first chapter. Kinda scared. I hope it's not too bad. I am already starting the second chapter, I am going to try to make it longer. Hopefully I can have it published real soon.

P.S I suck at grammar so I probably did a lot of mistakes so if you can please just ignore them, that would be great!


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